Land Evaluation in GIS for Precision Crop Zoning
multi-factor land evaluation in GIS, crop requirement, degree of limitation to crop growth, analytical hierarchical processing (AHP), map evaluationAbstract
Suitable land selection is an extremely important first step for crop cultivation. The suitable land must fulfill soil requirements such asphysicalproperties, chemicalproperties, nutrients in the soil as well as climate requirements of plants. The land suitability can be assessed by Land Evaluation process. But due to the fact that the factors necessary for the production of crops have different levels of impact, and also affecting other factors, the Analytical Hierarchical Processing (AHP) and the Pairwise Comparison Method were developed in conjunction with geographic information technology (GIS) in this project. Kanchanaburi Province and Oil Palm were selected as a case study. The potential of the area in oil palm yield production was compared to that of Southern Thailand. As a result, we were able to produce the “Oil Palm Yield Prediction Model” of Kanchanaburi Province. Suitable areas for planting oil palm (P1) that had the potential to yield more than 3 tons/rai/year were mostly scattered in plains area of Sangkhla, Thong Pha Phum, and Sai Yok districts totaling 606,628 rai. The moderately suitable areas for planting oil palm (P2) that had the potential to yield between 2.5-3 tons/rai/year, were mostly scattered in the plains area of Sangkhla, Thong Pha Phum and Sai Yok districts, totaling 564,512 rai.
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