Evaluation of Yield and Yield Stability of U-Thong Cane Clones at Different Environments


  • Piyatida Insuk Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center
  • Wanlee Amonpon Rayong Field Crops Research Center, Field and Renewable Energy Crops Research Institute, Department of Agriculture
  • Montree Pantu Phetchaburi Agricultural Research and Development Center, Office of Agricultural Research and Development Region 5, Department of Agriculture
  • Kanchana Nukaeo Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center, Field and Renewable Energy Crops Research Institute, Department of Agriculture




sugarcane, yield and sugar yield, yield stabulity


Evaluation of yield stability under multi–environment yield trial is one step in sugarcane breeding important to selection and assessing the potential. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the production and selection of high yield, high sugar yield, the potential and yield stability of 1 clone of U-Thong cane 2010 series and 7 clones of U-Thong cane 2015 series, using Khon Kaen 3 and LK92-11 as checked varieties. Trials were conducted at 3 locations: Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center, Rayong Field Crops Research Center and Phetchaburi Agricultural Research and Development Center. The trials were carried out from November 2019 to January 2021. The data were analysed by GGE biplot method. Results showed that cane yield, commercial cane sugar (CCS) and sugar yield were most affected by environments at 63.09%, 35.80% and 69.87%, respectively, while effects of genetic were 12.15%,29.64% and10.35%, respectively. Effects of interaction between genetic and environment were 10.60% for cane yield, 11.87% for CCS and 5.63% for sugar yield. The GGE biplot analysis revealed that clone UT10-023 had cane yield and sugar yield ​​similar to that of Khon Kaen 3. Furthermore, the evaluation of the specific outstanding varieties and locations revealed that both clone UT10-023 and Khon Kaen 3 had specific locations for sugar yield. However, clone UT10-023 showed outstanding stability in sugar yield over Khon Kaen 3.


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How to Cite

Insuk, P., Amonpon, W., Pantu, M., & Nukaeo, K. (2023). Evaluation of Yield and Yield Stability of U-Thong Cane Clones at Different Environments. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 41(2), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.14456/thaidoa-agres.2023.11



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