Nitrogen Response and Uptake of Sweet Corn Grown on Clay Loam Soil


  • Chattanaporn Kueanoon Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Sainam Udpuay Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture
  • Piyanun Wiwatwittaya Agricultural Production Sciences Research and Development Office, Department of Agriculture



nitrogen, phosphate, potash, nutrient use efficiency, nutrient uptake


Suitable nitrogen fertilizer management can increase yields and reduce chemical fertilizer uses but the existing nitrogen fertilizer recommendation for sweet corn production is not appropriate for site-specific recommendation. This study aimed to investigate nitrogen response and uptake of sweet corn grown on clay loam soil at Uthai Thani province in 2017. Treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block (RCB) with four replicates. The treatments consisted of six levels of nitrogen at the rates of 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 40 kg N/rai, while fertilizer application for phosphate and potash was 1.0 times of the soil test recommended rate. Results showed that the response of unhusked ear weight (Y) of Hybrix 3 cultivar to nitrogen application rate (x) grown in clay loam soil with low soil organic matter (1.34%) at Uthai Thani province could be expressed as a quadratic equation, by Y=-0.6989x2+44.985x+2803; R2=0.9106. Moreover, the result of economic return analysis by VCR method showed that nitrogen fertilizer application at the rate of 16 kg N/rai could maximize the highest return. The amounts of total nitrogen uptake in plant were 25.7, 3.7 and 23.7 kg N, P and K/rai, respectively, while the amounts of total nitrogen lost by yield removal were 10.6, 1.8 and 7.8 kg N, P and K/rai, respectively. Using proper rate of nitrogen fertilizer can efficiently increase yield of sweet corn grown on clay loam soil at Uthai Thani province.


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How to Cite

Kueanoon, C., Udpuay, S., & Wiwatwittaya, P. (2024). Nitrogen Response and Uptake of Sweet Corn Grown on Clay Loam Soil. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 42(1), 2–13.



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