Comparison of Cassava Lines/Varieties and Proper Harvesting Period for Processing to French Fries
edible cassava, cassava French fries, sensory testAbstract
French fries are a popular snack in Thailand. Generally, French fries are made from potatoes. The price of potatoes in Thailand is quite high. Replacing potatoes with cheaper cassava to produce French fries could promote and increase the use of cassava in Thailand. Six cassava lines/varieties CMRE60-03-02, CMRE60-03-13, OMRE60-02-61, OMRE60-03-09, Hanatee and Rayong2 at harvesting periods of 8, 10 and 12 months were compared on yield, texture and taste after processing to French fries. The experiments were conducted in three fields. In each field, a randomized complete block design was used. The treatments in each field were the planting of six cassava lines/varieties with four replications. Cassava lines/varieties in all fields were planted on the same date and harvested at 8, 10 and 12 months after planting, respectively. Results showed that at a harvesting period of 8 months, the OMRE60-02-61 line gave a fresh root yield of 2,877 kg/rai, close to Hanatee. Cassava French fries from the OMRE60-02-61 line had a slightly higher quality of texture hardness than that of the Hanatee variety and had a better score of consumer acceptance in terms of appearance, color, taste, texture and overall acceptability than those of the Hanatee variety. At a harvesting period of 10 months, the CMRE60-03-13 line gave a fresh root yield of 2,929 kg/rai, which was 31% higher than that of the Hanatee variety. Cassava French fries from the CMRE60-03-13 line had an equal score of consumer acceptance compared to those of the Hanatee variety but had a lower quality of texture hardness than that of the Hanatee variety. At a harvesting period of 12 months, the OMRE60-02-61 line gave a fresh root yield of 2,650 kg/rai, close to the Hanatee. Cassava French fries from the OMRE60-02-61 line had near quality of texture hardness compared to that of the Hanatee variety and had a close score of consumer acceptance compared to those of the Hanatee variety, however, the acceptance of the Hanatee variety was higher. It is recommended that the OMRE60-02-61 line harvested at 8 months be the most appropriate cassava to produce French fries because it has better consumer acceptance than the Hanatee variety.
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