Colour and Odour Characteristics of Local Durian Varieties in Songkhla Province
odour, local durian, Songkhla, chemical compositions, gas chromatography-mass spectrometryAbstract
The information on colour and odour characteristic of local durian varieties in Thailand are limited. The objective of this research is to investigate the physical and chemical characteristics of 7 local durian varieties from Songkhla province, namely Supnasaen, Phikunklin, Aileuang, Lepyiao, Muktaam, Nomsao, and Nomsod. The study utilized scientific instruments to collect data that could serve as a basis for promoting and selecting durian varieties in the future. The flesh of all seven varieties was analyzed for color using a colorimeter, elemental composition using a CHNS/O analyzer and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by GC-MS analysis. Yellow index values were found to effectively and rapidly indicate the initial differences between each durian variety. In terms of elemental composition, the highest carbon and hydrogen content were found in Supnasan (44.42±0.20 and 7.04±0.04%, respectively), the highest nitrogen and sulfur content in Nomsao (1.49±0.02 and 0.11±0.01%, respectively), and the highest oxygen content in Aileuang (48.12±0.22%). The results of the odour analysis revealed a total of 52-74 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which categorized into 18 functional groups. Specific compounds were unique to certain varieties such as; Aldehyde was found only in the Aileuang variety, Azine was found only in the Muktaam variety, Diene was found in the Supnasaen and Lepyiao varieties, Ether was found in the Nomsao and Nomsod varieties, Oxazole was found in the Muktaam and Nomsao varieties. Thiazole was found in the Aileuang and Lepyiao varieties, Pyrazine was found, but volatile sulfur was not found in the Phikunklin variety, Carboxylic acid was not found in the Lepyiao variety and Terpene was not found in both the Supnasaen and Nomsao varieties. Esters and sulfides were the main functional groups providing odour across all varieties, but in varying quantities. Results of this research demonstrated methods of physical and chemical analyses that can be used to promote the cultivation of durian varieties with colour and odour profiles preferred by consumers.
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