Development of Dyeing Machines for Improving the Quality of Local Thai Silk Dyeing


  • Sarunya Kasembunyakorn Department of Home Econocics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
  • Kajijarus Piromthamsiri Department of Home Econocics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
  • Bannyat Saitthite Department of Farm Mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
  • Paisan Kongkachuichay Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
  • Sakda Intharawichai Department of Farm Mechanics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900



Thai silk, dyeing machine, technical improvement


This study intentionally attempted to investigate and analyze the  improvement  in  technical  feasibility  under  two  objectives  namely  development  of  the  prototype  dyeing machines  from   local   dyeing  method   and  comparative quality  of   dyed   silk  from  the  prototype   dyeing   with that standard  infrared  dyer. According  to  disadvantages  learned from   selected   local  dyeing  groups  in  the   Northeastern region,  the   first  prototype   dyeing   machine  was  simply constructed   to  improve  in   context   of  labour  and  energy saving.  With  remaining   flaws  in  excessive  water  use  and high  heat   loss,  the  second   prototype   dyeing   machine was then  developed  to  eliminate  such   limitation  by  improving improving   dyeing    container  and  heat  control  systems, The  study   was   made  at  the   Department  of  Home  Economics,  Faculty   of  Agriculture, Kasetsart  University during   2007  to  2009. And  then  was  found  that  comparative  qualities   of  obtained   dyed  silk  yarn   were much  improved   in  most  experimental  indicators  including colour   values, colourfastness  to  laundering  and  dyeing reproducibility. The  quality  of  dyed  silk  yarn   was  also significantly   closer  to  that   dyed  from  the standard  infrared machine  and   was  thus  confirmed  that  development   of prototype  dyeing   machines   could  possibly  lead  to improvement    of   dyed   silk  yarn    quality.  The   study, however,  suggested  that  further  improvement  in  prototype dyeing  machine  still  be  needed  through   more  effective systems   including  less   water  use,  diversified   container  sizes,  local  labour   and  energy   saving   as  well  as  heat loss  prevention.   Overall   technical   innovation   should  also be   based   upon  the  environmental   friendly   direction  while providing  learning   opportunity  and  utilizing   local  wisdom of  the  local  Thai   dyers  at  the  same   time.




How to Cite

Kasembunyakorn, S., Piromthamsiri, K., Saitthite, B., Kongkachuichay, P., & Intharawichai, S. (2010). Development of Dyeing Machines for Improving the Quality of Local Thai Silk Dyeing. Thai Agricultural Research Journal, 28(1), 96.



Technical or research paper