Diversity of Otolith Morphology in Nuchequula nuchalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1845) Larvae and Juveniles Collected in the Tien Yen Estuary, Northern Vietnam
Otolith morphological changes in Nuchequula nuchalis larvae and juveniles are described based on 87 specimens of 6.3–37.1 mm body length (BL) collected in the Tien Yen estuary, northern Vietnam. The sagittae and asterisci were the largest and the smallest otolith, respectively. Sagittae were oval-shaped, and showed remarkable changes in morphology with growth. As the sagitta grows the margin becomes sinuated, the excisural notch forms as an acute angle, the sulcus becomes deeper, and the rostrum, antirostrum and postrostrum become clearer. The lapilli are mussel shell-shaped and their shape does not change much throughout the developmental period. In this study, the number of rings on the asterisci did not correspond to those on the sagittae and lapilli for larvae of the same size (~ 12 mm BL).
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