Author Guidelines
Instructions for Authors
Initial Submission: Manuscripts are considered for review with the understanding that they have not been published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions undergo a peer review process before acceptance. Manuscripts must be written in clear, grammatically correct English and formatted with double-spacing throughout the text. The submission should be a single microsoft word file, with all figures and tables embedded at their respective locations within the text following their first mention. Supplementary files should be submitted separately in appropriate formats such as Word, Excel, CSV, PDF, or multimedia formats.
Supplementary files typically contain additional materials that support the main text but are not essential for understanding the primary findings. These may include:
- Raw Data: Datasets, spreadsheets, or code used for analysis.
- Extended Methods: Detailed experimental procedures beyond those included in the main text.
- Additional Figures/Tables: Extra visualizations, charts, or large data tables.
- Multimedia Files: Videos, audio recordings, or high-resolution images.
- Supplementary Text: Extended discussions, literature reviews, or additional interpretations.
General Presentation of the Manuscript: The first page should include the title, authors' names, full postal addresses, and the email address of the corresponding author. Following this should be an abstract of approximately 200 words that concisely summarizes the content and conclusions of the paper. Keywords (3-5 words) should be listed immediately after the abstract.
The main text should be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results (or Systematic Descriptions)
- Discussion and/or Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Literature Cited
Pages should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals. The methods section must include sufficient detail to allow for replication of the work. Headings should follow a hierarchical structure with no more than two levels: main headings (centered, small capitals) and subheadings (left-aligned, bold). Headings should not be numbered, and footnotes should be avoided.
Nomenclature and Systematic Descriptions:
- Italicize the names of genera, subgenera, and species. When first mentioned, specific names should include the authority.
- Descriptions of new taxa and taxonomic revisions must comply with ICBN or ICZN guidelines.
- Headings for taxonomic categories should be centered and bold, including (in order): Synonymy, Type Materials, Etymology (for new taxa), Material Examined, Diagnosis, Description, Distribution, and Remarks with the following format.
Synonymy. —
Type Materials. —
Etymology. —
Material Examined. —
Diagnosis. —
Description. —
Distribution. —
Remarks. —
- Synonymies should be formatted chronologically in a condensed format. Full references must be included in the final reference list.
- Diagnoses and descriptions should be in telegraphic style or complete sentences.
- Whenever possible, authors are encouraged to deposit type specimens in national or international public museums or collections.
Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1). Each table should have a short, descriptive title above it, with any footnotes below. The title format should be "Table 1. List of localities...".
Illustrations: Figures should be formatted to fit an A4 portrait page. References to figures in the text should use "Fig." or "Figs." followed by Arabic numerals. Illustrations may be drawings or photographs submitted in Adobe Photoshop-compatible formats (JPEG or TIFF format, minimum 600 dpi resolution). Composite figures should be labeled with bold uppercase letters, while other labels and abbreviations should be in bold lowercase letters. Color figures must be in CMYK mode. All illustrations must include a scale bar rather than magnifications.
Figure Legends Example: "Figure 1. Littorina littorea. A. Pallial oviduct. B. Penis. Abbreviations: ag, albumen gland; sg, sperm groove. Scale bars: A = 2.0 mm; B = 1.0 mm."
Literature Cited: Only published or in-press works should be included. Dissertations and non-serial conference proceedings should be treated as books. References should be cited in the text as follows:
- "Red and Blue (2000)" for single or dual authors.
- "Red et al. (2000)" for three or more authors.
- In parentheses: "(Red, 2000; Blue and Red, 2000; Red et al., 2000)."
With using “and” instead of “&”
“et al.” with no italic or bold.
All references in the Literature Cited should be listed alphabetically in the following formats:
Journal paper: Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. 2000. Title of the paper. Title of the journal in full (normal text, no italic or bold or underline), 12: 31-35.
Book chapter: Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. 2000. Title of the Chapter. In: Red, A.A. (Ed.) or Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. (Eds) (for 2 or more authors). Title of Book, Publisher name and location, page range (e.g. p. 13-16).
Book: Red, A.A. and Blue, B.B. 2000. Title of Book, Publisher name and location, number of pages (e.g. 123 pp.).
Internet resources: Red, A.A. and Blue, B.B. 2000. Title of website or database, Publisher name and location, number of pages. Available from:, (Date of access). Repeat authors' names and journal titles in multiple entries and avoid ibid.
Final Submission: After acceptance, authors must submit the final manuscript in Microsoft Word format (Times New Roman, 11 pt). The document should include tables and figure legends at the end. Figures should be submitted as separate files in TIFF or JPEG format (600 dpi resolution, labeled as Fig.1, Fig.2, etc.). Tables should be formatted to fit an A4 page in portrait or landscape orientation with a font size of 7-10 pt and submitted as separate Word files. Supplementary files should also be submitted separately in appropriate formats such as Word, Excel, CSV, PDF, or multimedia formats. All materials must be submitted through the journal's online system (Thaijo).
Review Papers: Review papers are accepted and should provide an authoritative and critical evaluation of current knowledge on a specific aspect of natural history.
Proofs, Offprints, and Copyright: A single set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for review. Only printer’s errors and factual mistakes should be corrected.