Author Guidelines

Instructions to authors

Initial submission: Manuscripts are accepted for a review with the understanding that the same work has not been published or being offered for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review before acceptance. Manuscripts should be written in clear and grammatically correct English. Text must be typed in double-spaced throughout the manuscript, A4 paper size, 1 column with Time New Roman Font. The manuscripts submitted should be in MSWord text with Tables and Figures legends at the end of the text. Tables can be put in the separated MSWord file (prefer fit in A4 Portrait orientation). Figures are put in the PDF format (all figures in one PDF file, labeled Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig. 3 ... under the figures) separated from the text files. MSWord (oversized tables) files, MSExcel files and MP4 Videos can be uploaded together with the main manuscript as the supplement materials.

General Presentation of the Article: The first page of the manuscripts should include title; authors' names and their full postal address(es), and e-mail address of corresponding author. This should be followed by: Abstract (about 200 words), which is a brief, but informative summary of the contents and the conclusions of the paper. Keywords (3-5 worlds) should be listed immediately after the abstract. The main text should consist of: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results (or Systematic Descriptions), Discussion or Conclusion, Acknowledge-ments, Literature Cited, Tables and Figure Legends. Each page should be Arabic numbered sequentially. In the methods section, experimental procedures should be described in sufficient details, which enable the work to be repeated. Hierarchy of headings should not normally exceed two: main headings (centered, small capitals) and subsidiary headings (on the left, in bold). Do not number headings and avoid footnotes.

Nomenclature and Systematic Descriptions: Italicize the names of genera, subgenera and species. When first mentioned, specific names should include the authority. Descriptions of new taxa and taxonomic revisions must comply with the ICBN or ICZN. Headings for all taxonomic categories in taxonomic papers should be centered and in bold. They should optimally include, in the following order: Synonymy; Types; Etymology (for new taxa); Material Examined; Diagnosis; Description; Distribution; Remarks. Synonymies should be in 'condensed' format, following on chronologically. Full references to the authors cited in synonymies must appear in the final reference list. Diagnoses and descriptions should be given in 'telegraphic' style, or full sentences. Whenever possible, authors are advised to deposit type specimens in national or international public museums or collections.

Tables: Tables should be typed at the end of the article text, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text (as 'Table 1'), and with the title (in the format: ‘Table 1. List of localities…..'). Each table should be given a short descriptive title directly above it, with any footnotes (in superscript lowercase letters) directly below the table. 

Illustrations: Original illustrations should only be submitted following final acceptance, unless electronic copies are requested for final submission. Illustrations or figures should be prepared such that they fit into an A4 page. All illustrations should be referred to in the text as 'Fig. or Figs' in parentheses and with Arabic numerals. Illustrations may be either drawings or photographs, which can be accepted in Adobe Photoshop compatible formats and saved in JPEG format with a resolution of 800 dpi and 600 dpi respectively. Graphics, such as line figures with text, can be accepted as TIFF format. Each component of a composite figure should be given a bold capital letter; labels, and abbreviations should be in bold lower-case letters with optimal size. Colour figures must be saved as CMYK colour mode. Illustrations must each carry a scale bar and not magnifications. The caption format for composite figures (figure legends) should be, for example: Figure 1. Littorina littorea. A. Pallial oviduct. B. Penis. Abbreviations: ag, albumen gland; sg, sperm groove. Scale bars: A = 2.0 mm; B = 1.0 mm.

Literature Cited: Include only published or in-press articles. Dissertations resulting from graduate studies and non-serial proceedings of conferences/symposia are to be treated as books. References should be referred to in the text as Red and Blue (2000), Red et al. (2000) for 3, or more authors or (Red, 2000; Blue and Red, 2000; Red et al., 2000) in the parentheses. All literature cited in the text must be listed alphabetically in the following formats:

Journal paper: Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. 2000. Title of the paper. Title of the journal in full (normal text, no italic or bold or underline), 12: 31-35.

Book chapter: Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. 2000. Title of the Chapter. In: Red, A.A. (Ed.) or Red, A.A., Blue, B.B. and Green, C.C. (Eds) (for 2 or more authors). Title of Book, Publisher name and location, page range.

Book: Red, A.A. and Blue, B.B. 2000. Title of Book, Publisher name and location, number of pages (e.g. 123 pp).

Internet resources: Red, A.A. and Blue, B.B. 2000. Title of website or database, Publisher name and location, number of pages. Available from:, (Date of access). Repeat authors' names and journal titles in multiple entries and avoid ibid.

Research Short Notes and Review: Short manuscripts approximately 3000 words are also accepted. They are normally interim results from projects in progress or on subjects of exceptional interest and complete in their own right. These papers should be written Nature style, contain no more than two figures and two tables, without abstract, and briefly acknowledgements. References in the text should be cited only by a superscript number, and listed at the end of the paper in the order they appear in the text. The first pages should be contained as in the article text. Review papers are accepted. These papers do not contain much new data, but rather the authoritative and critical review of the current knowledge regarding various aspects of natural history.

Final submission: Following acceptance, the author must submit the revised manuscripts in MSWord A4 paper size with Tables and Figures legends at the end of the text, tables (prefer fit in A4 Portrait orientation, on a separated file), and original figures (if possible) publication-quality electronic copies of the figures (TIFF or JPEG at least 600 dpi resolution). All must be submitted to the journal online system (Thaijo) and email to

Proofs, Offprints, and Copyright: One set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author only; it is assumed that only printer's errors and factual mistakes will be corrected.