A New Species of Tylototriton (Urodela: Salamandridae) from Nan Province, Northern Thailand
molecular phylogeny, morphology, new species, Thailand, TylototritonAbstract
A new species of the genus Tylototriton, obtained from Doi Phu Kha National Park, Nan Province, northern Thailand, is described based on molecular and morphological evidence and named herein as Tylototriton phukhaensis sp. nov. The new species is morphologically distinct from the four known Thai Tylototriton species (T. panhai, T. uyenoi, T. anguliceps and T. verrucosus), in having a prominent, narrow, and straight sagittal ridge on the head that distinguishes it from the other Thai species. The molecular analysis also indicated that the new species is a distinct lineage and sister to T. anguliceps and T. uyenoi. The knowledge obtained in this study will greatly contribute to conducting the future conservation of Thai Tylototriton.
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