Morphological Observation on Physaloptera Species (Nematoda: Spirurida: Physalopteridae) in Murine Rodents of Indonesia and East Asian Islands with Special Reference to Their Zoogeographical Features
Physaloptera, Maxomys, Apodemus, Rattus, insular distribution, morphology, dispersalAbstract
Morphological observations of specimens from the genus Physaloptera spp. (Spirurida: Physalopteridae) collected from murine species in Indonesia and some islands of East Asia were made. The physalopterid worms found from Maxomys whiteheadi and Maxomys bartelsii of Kalimantan and West Java, Indonesia, respectively, Apodemus speciosus of the Izu Islands, Japan, Apodemus agrarius of Jeju Island, Korea, and Rattus tanezumi of Uotsuri Island, in the Senkaku Islands, Japan, were identified as P. apodemi Wang & Zhang, 2020, previously only reported from Tianjin, China. On the other hand, those in Rattus argentiventer of West Java were identified with P. ngoci Le-Van-Hoa, 1961 as the first geographical record outside of the continental portion of Southeast Asia. Supplemental morphological remarks were made for P. apodemi with special attention to the differentiation from other congeners. The distribution of P. apodemi on these small remote islands suggests that dispersal occurred accidentally via synanthropic rats and/or intermediate host insects that possibly escaped from shipwrecks onto these islands.
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