Molecular Phylogeny Reveals a New Snorkel Snail, Rhiostoma panhai sp. nov., from Thailand (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Cyclophoridae)
DNA barcoding, mitochondrial DNA, operculate land snail, taxonomyAbstract
The present study used two mitochondrial gene fragments (COI and 16S rRNA) and morphology to reveal a new species of Rhiostoma in Thailand: Rhiostoma panhai sp. nov. Genetic divergence between the new species and other Rhiostoma species was high, ranged from 14 to 19% p-distance. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the novelty of this new species. The new species differs from other Rhiostoma species by having a detached whorl shorter than the aperture width (mean detached-whorl length/aperture width: 0.89±1.40), a small, curved, and slender tubular breathing device, and dark brown with paler zigzag streaks periostracum.
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