Diversity and Distribution of Jellyfish Polyps Along Coastal Areas of Chonburi and Rayong Provinces, Thailand
COI, DNA, morphology, polyp, jellyfishAbstract
Jellyfish polyps can be difficult to identify based on their morphology due to a lack of precise references in Thailand, yet species identification is an important step for management of this marine resource. Here, we pursued a dual approach, morphology and DNA barcoding, to describe the diversity and distribution of jellyfish polyps in two coastal provinces that have various anthropogenic activities e.g., tourism, marine transportations, industrial estate, local fisheries, and aquacultures, that effect on water qualities or provide substrates for polyp settlement. Jellyfish polyps were collected in January, May, and July 2019 to represent the Northeast Monsoon, pre-Southwest Monsoon, and Southwest Monsoon, respectively, from eight stations along coastal areas from Chonburi and Rayong Provinces, eastern Thailand. The jellyfish polyps were sampled from substrates e.g., rocks, ropes, and shells, at sampling sites by scuba diving. Three genera of polyps were identified according to their morphology, while nine genera of jellyfish polyps were identified by their COI gene sequences from 29 individuals. Polyps of the genus Clytia were recorded during the sampling periods at most sampling sites, while the genus Obelia was found mainly at Rayong Province, when identified by both morphological and molecular approaches. These results can be used as part of a suitable management plan about jellyfish issues in Thailand.
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