Predicting Habitat Suitability for Tarantula in Peninsular Malaysia by Using Species Distribution Modelling (SDM)
species distribution modelling, Theraphosidae, Malaysia, habitat suitabilityAbstract
Theraphosidae, usually referred to as "Tarantula," is an infraorder of the Mygalomorh arachnid family of spiders. It is a large spider with downward-pointing fangs and a hairy body. As of now, few studies were done on Theraphosidaes in Peninsular Malaysia, but those were mainly concentrated on physical taxonomy with brief explanations of the spiders’ natural history. This study revealed the prediction of Theraphosidae habitat suitability in Peninsular Malaysia. Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) was used based on Theraphosidae points of occurrence in Peninsular Malaysia. Prediction for habitat suitability was determined from 274 coordinates of occurrence. In the study, a high AUC value of 0.857 indicated a high discrimination power of the predictive model. Tree canopy cover, elevation and forested area were the top three significant factors that could predict the distribution of Theraphosidae species, according to the SDM modelling by using MaxENT. Based on this species distribution modelling study, it was concluded that protecting the hilly forested area in Malaysia was crucial for the protection of Theraphosidae spiders. The study highlighted the influence of environmental factors on Theraphosidae distributions in Peninsular Malaysia and provided insights for future research and conservation efforts.
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