The Diversity of Subterranean Dorylus Ants in the Agricultural Regions of Northern Thailand
food security, Chinese radish, pak choi, peanut, Dorylus pestAbstract
Thailand, primarily an agricultural nation, faces significant crop yield losses due to various pests. Members of the Dorylus Fabricius, 1793 ant genus are significant pests of both vegetables and cash crops. Despite extensive research on ant taxonomy in Thailand, a comprehensive understanding of ant diversity remains incomplete, with many species are undiscovered. This study examines the diversity of subterranean Dorylus ants in the agricultural regions of Northern Thailand, predominantly occupied by hill tribes. Ant surveys were carried out in organic vegetable farms located in the Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son provinces of Northern Thailand, by using palm oil baits in sieve buckets. The worker ants were identified through their morphological and molecular characters derived from the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) region of the mitochondrial gene. Our findings revealed that two species, Dorylus laevigatus and D. orientalis, are major Dorylus ants that infest Brassicaceae and Fabaceae vegetable crops. This is the first record of these species infesting Chinese radish (Raphanus sativus L.). In addition, we present the first documentation of D. laevigatus in Pak choi (Brassica chinensis L.), and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Thailand. These pests burrow into the subterranean parts of crop roots, resulting in reduced growth yield. The damage manifests as an unhealthy appearance in the above-ground parts of the crops.
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