Paleopalynofloras of the Eocene in South Asia
Eocene, paleopalynology, South Asia, vegetation, climateAbstract
The current study focuses on the previous research on paleopalynology of existing plants from different regions of the Eocene strata of South Asia. This study was conducted for the first time in the study area to highlight the distributions, identifications, and abundance of the floral paleopalynological record of the Eocene in South Asia. The study attempts to describe plant evolution, reconstructions of past climate change, and the effects of these changes on plant communities over time in the study area. The vegetation of the study area during the depositional period was better predicted by the existence of fossil flora. The proposed work yields data on the dominant fossil plant taxa that existed in South Asia over megaannum–including trees, shrubs, herbs, bryophytes and aquatic macrophytes. Results of this work promise to yield novel insights into the synergistic effects of climate change and paleoecology and evolution of plant communities. The data proved useful for establishing links with other branches of sciences, including archaeology, geology, plant ecology and environmental science. The current study aimed to describe phylogeny, reconstructions of past climate change and its effects on plant communities in the Eocene period of south Asia.
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