Value Addition for Dan Kwian Village Pottery Products to souvenirs from identity of Nakhonratchasima Tourist Attraction. (Khorat Geopark)


  • Kriangkrai Duangkhachon Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University
  • Onlamee Kamon-in
  • Duriwat Tathaisong
  • Chon Yeenang
  • Chaisiri Luangnaem


innovation, souvenir products, identity


This research aims to convey the identity of tourist attractions in Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat Geopark) by developing a souvenir product that can add value to Dan Kwian pottery in order to expand the wisdom by creating a prototype from machine 3D Printing. This research is a two-step process, Step 1: Dan Kwian clay experiment to develop into slip casting for forming workpieces containing 3 kinds of raw materials such as Dan Kwian clay, Dan Kwian field sand, Lampang Kaolin clay. By testing the mixture ratio of 36 formulas to find the ability to cast, firing shrinkage and colour after fired. Step 2: Design souvenirs from the identity of Nakhon Ratchasima tourist attraction (Korat Geopark) and create a prototype of 3D Printing souvenir product and create a mold for forming the piece with a slip casting from Dan Kwian clay.

          The results of this research were found that formula 12 had a suitable mix ratio for producing a slip casting consisting of 40% Dan Kwian clay, 40% Dan Kwian field sand and 20% Lampang Kaolin clay. Because it is a recipe that uses local ingredients, up to 80% of the Dan Kwian clay and Dan Kwian field sand, it can be easily cast in plaster mold without cracking. Shrinkage after firing 14% and retains its original reddish-brown identity. The design part of Korat souvenir products, Geopark presents to the city of Korat of fossilology that found many fossils of all 3great age (old, middle and new) as the identity of Nakhon Ratchasima tourist attractions. By selecting primeval elephants with distinctive features of different tusks to create 3 types of souvenirs: Prodeinotherium elephant, Protanuncus elephant and Stegolophodon elephant. In addition, the carnivorous dinosaurs were selected "Siam Raptor Suwatti" and herbivorous dinosaurs "Sirindhorna Korat Ensis" has created a souvenir of 10 models of floating sculptures and small relief sculptures.


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