A study of Ethanol Production Using Agricultural Waste from Pineapples
This research studied ethanol production from core and peel of pineapple using natural and baker yeast fermentation. Both fermentations were studied at room temperature for 3, 5, 7 and 15 days. Then, the ethanol content was determined using the UV-Visible spectroscopy technique. The Brix value of the core and peel of pineapple after cellulose digestion using cellulase enzyme was then measured. The amount of ethanol showed that ethanol production from baker yeast was higher than that of natural yeast from both the peel and the core of pineapple. The baker’s yeast produced the highest ethanol content (18.92% after 15 days of pineapple peel fermentation). Ethanol content was measured using the Brix percentage with that of pineapple peel being higher than of pineapple core. All results suggested that pineapple peel and core can be used for ethanol production, and the combination with natural and baker yeast can produce ethanol content higher than that of natural yeast. The ethanol contents from core and peel of pineapple were significantly different (p < 0.05), and the ethanol contents from natural and baker yeast were also significantly different (p < 0.05). Additionally, the basic economic value calculation shows that the profit on ethanol production from 10 kg of pineapple peel is 32.90 baht.
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