

  • แม้นวาด รชนีกร ไกรลาศ อาจารย์คณะเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสุรินทร์


องค์ประกอบจิ๋ว, คุณค่า, เครื่องปั้นดินเผา, Micro composition, Valuable, Pottery




The Study of Micro Composition to Improve The Market Value of Nam Kam's Pottery

The study attempts to understand local wisdom and knowledge of pottery making in Nam Kam village, Thatum district, Surin province with the aim of fmding micro-composition which could be used to enhance the value of Nam Kam village pottery. The research methods consisted of qualitative and experimental techniques. A laboratory test ran particle size analysis samples with a diffraction particle size analyzer to identify the corrected size of micro components. The results showed that micro particle sizes varied from 0.8 to 1.2 micrometers. The appropriate ratio of micro particle size and clay was 1:19 contributing to an average strength of 204.33 kilograms per square meter and an average water absorption of 5.03%. This ratio increased the strength and reduced water absorption. As a result, the addition of micro particle size into clay can increase the quality of the pottery as well as its market value.



