

  • วันไชย คําเสน คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา เขตพื้นที่ลำปาง
  • ปณิธิ แสนจิตร คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา เขตพื้นที่ลำปาง


ชุดบอกตำแหน่ง, คนตาบอด, Indicate Location, Blind, Assistive Technology




Audio Signal for the Blind to Indicate Location

This study was carried out to evaluate the level of satisfaction of the users of a navigation system designed to assist and reduce accidents for the blind. The research was carried out in Than Num Jai building and Ban Dab Sappawit building at the Skills Development Centre for the Blind and Lampang School for the Blind. The navigation system can be used to locate room numbers on each floor as well as help in areas prone to regular accidents. The navigation system works when an inertial sensor detects movement and then transmits by voice the location within a 3.5 meter parameter. The best position for the system is at a 90 degree angle. The best sound position is within 1.226 meters from the location of the machine. Because the 220 volt uninterruptible power supply is installed in the system, it can work consistently for up to 6.84 hours. At the moment, 21 sets of the navigation system are installed on the walls and ceilings of the buildings at the Skills Development Centre for the Blind and at Lampang School for the Blind. From the evaluation of users, including students, personnel, and people visiting the centre and school, it is found that the level of satisfaction is at 4.15.



