ศึกษาความเป็นไปได้ในการจัดการขยะอินทรีย์ในบริเวณมหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร สำหรับผลิตก๊าซชีวภาพ


  • ศศิธร จิตต์ปราณี วิทยาลัยพลังงานทดแทน มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร จังหวัดพิษณุโลก 65000
  • สหัถยา ลาดปาละ วิทยาลัยพลังงานทดแทน มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร จังหวัดพิษณุโลก 65000


ขยะอินทรีย์, ก๊าซชีวภาพ, Organic waste, Biogas




Feasibility Study of Organic Waste Management for Biogas Production in Naresuan University

Waste disposal has become a serious problem in the national level, especially, in metropolitan areas with dense population. Disposing of waste in a landfill is conventional. However, with the fermentation of waste, we are able to produce biogas that can be used as energy; meanwhile, another benefit from some waste left from this technique is the production of organic fertilizer. Incineration is often chosen as the last means of disposing waste which is unable to be recycled. In case of organic waste, it is popular that the waste is managed by the use of biodegradation method to produce biogas and other forms of energy, including household gas heat, the electricity for gas-based engine or a fuel for gas-fired boilers, etc. In addition, organic fertilizer is generated as a by-product of waste fermentation. It is good for nourishing the soil. This study aims at examining waste management for producing biogas in Naresuan University and the feasibility of utilizing biogas as an energy source in heat and electricity production.

According to the study, it was found that organic waste in Naresuan University was mainly supplied by the university’s cafeteria, which was 333 kilograms per day. The number of waste in the university, after the separation of organic waste, accounts of 20% or 546.57 kilograms per day. Therefore, the total amount of organic waste obtained from the university was 879.57 kilograms. With the waste, biogas production was 88 cubic meters per day. Convert to heating value 1841.84 MJ , electrical power 38,544 kW-hr per year and LPG gas 14,775 kg per year.



