Optimization of Fresh Yellow Alkaline Noodle Formulation for Shelf Life Extension

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Jarupat Luecha
Worrapod Radchakandee
Chawarod Damnoensawat
Thitisilp Kijchavengkul
Pawinee Deetae


Fresh yellow alkali noodle (YAN) is one of the widely consumed staple foods. YAN also has a unique texture and flavor. However, the shelf life of fresh YAN is relatively short (2-3 days) at room temperature without preservatives. Hence, in this study, we varied amount of sodium carbonate, sodium chloride and glycerol as key ingredients that can effectively prolong YAN’s shelf-life with low impact on its unique quality and used Box-Behnken design to optimize the YAN formulation. Noodles made from all formulations were stored at room temperature and monitored for changes in their characteristics until the day that the total bacteria count was greater than 106 CFU/g. The statistical analysis suggested that the salt and glycerol contents significantly affected the water activity (aw) and the hardness. While the sodium carbonate strongly influenced on the pH value. The shelf-life of YAN was significantly influenced by all the key ingredients. The RSM models were able to describe pH, aw and shelf life properly, thus being appropriate criterial for optimization. There were 27 formulations that were able to increase shelf life of fresh YAN for 2 times. These findings can be utilized by small-medium enterprise for manufacturing preservative-free YAN.

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How to Cite
Luecha, J., Radchakandee, W., Damnoensawat, C., Kijchavengkul, T., & Deetae, P. (2018). Optimization of Fresh Yellow Alkaline Noodle Formulation for Shelf Life Extension. Journal of Food Technology, Siam University, 13(1), 71–83. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JFTSU/article/view/106830
บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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