The Chemicals Toxicology and Danger Research of Children Toys

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Nalinee Sripaung
Malee Pongsopon


This study was aimed to establish the policy recommendation for prevention and control of children diseases and danger at age not over than 12 years. The study was proceeded during October 2007 to September 2008 in 10 provinces: Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Samuthprakarn, Chacheongsao, Chiangmai, Prae, Konkhan, Ubolratchathani, Suratthani, and Songkla. The four target groups (toys producers, consumers, salers, and related organizations) were focused. The walk through survey, in-depth interview, sampling children toys nearby school, and analyzing the chemicals contamination in children toys were carried out . Data were analyzed and interpreted by descriptive statistic and presented by percentage. The results showed 90 percentage of producers had neither knowledge nor concerning with safety measures and legislation. The 90 percentage of children toys samples had high sound level and and consisted of toxic chemicals. The 70 percentage of children toys in school easily dominated the accident. The 79.3 percentage of children had abnormal sign and symptom after playing the children toys. The 80 percentage of consumers chose children toys by income, attitude and local tradition. The 90 percentage of target group lacked of related knowledge. The 70 percentage of educational places also lacked of knowledge for sale and consume of safety toys and children age. Thus, the knowledge of safety toys and children age should be provided to community. The provincial public health officers should be the node of the process by cooperating with prevention and control organizations, local educational organizations and the local administrative organizations. Besides, the measures for safety toys consumption should be integrated with formal purchase system in the educational places and the playground.

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How to Cite
Sripaung, N. ., & Pongsopon, M. . (2020). The Chemicals Toxicology and Danger Research of Children Toys. Thai Journal of Toxicology, 26(1), 44. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nalinee Sripaung

Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health

Rayong Occupational Health and Environmental Development Center, 18 Huaipong, Muang District, Rayong 21150

Malee Pongsopon

Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health