Cognitive Function of Thai Adults and Elderly: Risks Related to Dementia

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Sirintorn Chansirikarnjana
Jiraporn Laothamatas
Jakkrit Sukying
Daochompu Nakawiro
Orapitchaya Krairit
Wilawan Prasanatikom
Somporn Chottivitayatarakorn
Piangporn Charernwat


Dementia is an acquired neurological disorder that not found at birth. The two most common causes of dementia are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Both are known to be associated with vascular risk factors. This study is a long-term prospective study to predict risk factors associated with dementia. Three hundred and eighty seven Thai adults and older adults aged 50 years and above, who have normal cognition at the start of the study. Every participant received detailed neuropsychological testing to evaluate baseline cognition, MRI of the brain, laboratory biochemical testing, and evaluation of lifestyle factors. This report presents the study population's basic characteristics, and the association between cognitive ability (based on neuropsychological testing) and serum biochemical markers. Results showed cognition started to decline with advancing age. Those with lower cognitive scores were found to have lower levels of serum albumin, serum HDL and higher levels of serum homocysteine, but no association with deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate. These initial findings together with future results from this study should provide important information towards the prevention or delaying progression of dementia.

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How to Cite
Chansirikarnjana, S. ., Laothamatas, J. ., Sukying, J., Nakawiro , D. ., Krairit, O. ., Prasanatikom, W. ., Chottivitayatarakorn , S., & Charernwat, P. . (2015). Cognitive Function of Thai Adults and Elderly: Risks Related to Dementia . Thai Journal of Toxicology, 30(1), 41–59. Retrieved from
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