Risk Factors of Pesticides Usage on Liver Cancer and Cholangiocarcinoma among Agriculturists: A Systematic Review

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Kulthida Yasaka
Sunisa Chailklieng


Occupational exposure to pesticides has been identified as a major trigger of the development of liver cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. Agriculture in Thailand relies heavily on the use of pesticides to protect crops and increase yields. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to summarize the association between the incidence of liver cancer or cholangiocarcinoma and agricultural exposure to pesticides and to explore the factors associated with an increased risk. The articles were searched by using the following electronic databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, TCI, and ThaiLIS published from 1965 to 2022. Fifteen studies in international countries included one study in Thailand met inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the review. Most evidence showed positive association between exposure to organochlorine insecticides, organophosphate and carbamate insecticides and liver cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. Factors associated with liver cancer or cholangiocarcinoma among agriculturists were male, ever worked in farming, cumulative intensity-weighted days of herbicide Dicamba use, -density of organochlorine insecticide use (kg/ km2), organophosphate exposure 30 liters/year or more, pesticides exposure experience and had the concentration of DDTs in the serum. This information is very useful for further area-based study of the association between types of pesticide exposure and liver cancer or cholangiocarcinoma among Thai agriculturists who are at high risk of exposure to pesticides and identify the associated risk factors to prevent exposure of pesticide and cancers or other related diseases.

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How to Cite
Yasaka, K., & Chailklieng, S. (2023). Risk Factors of Pesticides Usage on Liver Cancer and Cholangiocarcinoma among Agriculturists: A Systematic Review. Thai Journal of Toxicology, 38(1), 16–32. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ThaiJToxicol/article/view/257388
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