Use of Nuclear ITS Region as DNA Barcode Marker for the Species Identification of Mushroom in the Genus Macrocybe Causing Foodborne Illness

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Nattakarn Nooron
Sittiporn Parnmen
Pornpanna Chonnakijkul
Sujitra Sikaphan
Rungsaeng Chankunasuka
Sriprapa Phatsarapongkul
Chidkamon Thunkhamrak
Unchalee Nitma
Chutimon Uttawichai
Nisakorn Palakul
Dutsadee Polputpisatkul
Archawin Rojanawiwat


Macrocybe is a macrofungal genus that contains eight reported species worldwide. In Thailand, there are two species including M. crassa (Hed Taen Rad, edible) and M. gigantea (without edibility information). Both species have similar morphology. According to the Toxicology Center database, cases of Macrocybe poisoning have been reported frequently and specimens closely resembled edible M. crassa. Hence, this study aimed to identify species of Macrocybe from seven poisoning cases during 2012 to 2022 based on the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. Nucleotide similarity was identified using BLASTN and BOLD (Barcode of Life Database System). Phylogenetic characterization was analyzed using maximum likelihood (ML) method. Results based on BLASTN and BOLD databases revealed high nucleotide similarities of clinical mushroom specimens to M. gigantea. Phylogenetic tree obtained from ML analysis confirmed that the Macrocybe mushrooms ingested by the patients was M. gigantea. Although this species was deemed as an edible mushroom in India. However, there were reports of food poisoning caused by M. gigantea in China. In Thailand, there were cases where patients exhibited gastrointestinal symptoms between 2 to 3.30 hours after ingestion. This indicated that some edible mushrooms can be toxic to humans.

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How to Cite
Nooron, N., Parnmen, S., Chonnakijkul, P. ., Sikaphan, S., Chankunasuka, R., Phatsarapongkul, S., Thunkhamrak, C., Nitma, U. ., Uttawichai, C., Palakul, N., Polputpisatkul, D. ., & Rojanawiwat, A. . (2023). Use of Nuclear ITS Region as DNA Barcode Marker for the Species Identification of Mushroom in the Genus Macrocybe Causing Foodborne Illness. Thai Journal of Toxicology, 38(1), 55–67. retrieved from
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