Publication Ethics of Current Applied Science and Technology 

The editorial team of Current Applied Science and Technology journal is committed to upholding the best practices and maintaining the high level of integrity in the content published in this journal and to prevent malpractices. If plagiarism is found, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed to ensure the integrity and validity of the published research. If anyone believes that these guidelines have not been followed, please raise their concern with the editor or email All parties involved in the act of publishing such as authors, editors and reviewers must agree to the ethical behaviors below. The journal expects authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these ethical standards. Research misconduct, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest should be avoided. Ethical practices for articles publishing in Current Applied Science and Technology journal are as follows:


Ethics declarations for research studies involving human subjects and/or animals

With regard to ethical standards and informed consent for studies involving human subjects and/or animals including case reports/case series, the authors have to indicate the following details in their manuscripts in the section “Materials and Methods”.

1) Name of the ethical approval committee/Institutional Review Board they have obtained consent from together with approval number/ID.

2) Specifically mention if a waiver was obtained for the study and reason for the waiver.

3) For the studies involving human subjects, the authors should confirm that the study was conducted in accordance with Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013.

4) For the studies involving animal subjects, the authors should confirm that the study was conducted in accordance with relevant national and international animal welfare guidelines such as AAALAC and/or Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes,  NRC of Thailand. The research studies should be approved by an ethics committee if possible. The name of the ethics committee and the ethics committee approval number should be included, along with the national and international guidelines that were followed.

5) Written informed consent must be stated whether it is obtained from the participants of the study. The relevant document(s) must be provided when requested by the journal. If verbal informed consent was obtained, the reason(s) for the absence of written consent must be provided.

Note: If the research studies involve human subject and/or animals, the author(s) have to declare that “This study was ethically approved by................(name of the ethical approval committee/ Institutional Review Board they have obtained consent from) together with approval number/ ID (case/permission number.....). If a waiver was obtained, the authors should declare that “All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 2013 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards”.


Ethics of Authors

The authors should ensure that the submitted manuscripts written followed the ethical practices of original submissions accuracy, acknowledgement of information sources and of declaration of financial support and conflict of interest (if any). Please note that:

         -  Articles are entirely original works in good English with sufficient information and suitable citations and must not be published before.

         -  Articles should be presented the accurate, clear and honest results without personal opinions, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, ghost authorship, or inappropriate data manipulation. Authors are responsible for their submitted articles in terms of matching it with the aims and scope of Current Applied Science and Technology journal, the format indicated by Current Applied Science and Technology journal, completeness, acknowledging sources, preventing plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), and including the names of all authors who have contributed to the submitted work.

         -  Only original research articles and academic articles will be accepted.  

         - Authors must not make a duplicate submission. Articles which are duplicated or/and plagiarized (including copying contents without consent or proper citation like figures, tables, data, etc.) cannot be accepted. If fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism are found, published articles will be retracted.

         - All authors involved in the articles should participate in the study and their contributions are appropriately acknowledged. All authors should review and approve the final manuscript for publication.

         - Authors must be responsible for providing accurate and complete information in order to ensure the validity of their findings. All individuals who have contributed significantly to the studies should be listed as authors. Authorship should accurately and transparently be attributed. Authors should provide appropriate acknowledgments for contributions that do not meet the criteria for authorship.

         - Authors should accurately acknowledge the work of others and cite relevant sources.

         - Authors’ affiliations should represent the institution(s) at which the research was conducted and/or supported and/or approved. For academic review, affiliations should represent the institution(s) where each author is currently affiliated. If false or fraudulent affiliation information is knowingly provided, it is a form of misconduct and may lead to article retraction. 

         -  The corresponding author must sign the copyright transfer agreement and submit to the editor.

         -  The corresponding author contributes warrant that the article is original and unpublished. It should be noted that requests to change the corresponding author after submission will be subject to scrutiny and will be treated as any authorship change. This applies to both pre- and post-publication of the article. 

         -  The authors of published articles have to take responsibility for any scientific mistakes and plagiarism.

         - Authors should respect the peer review process. Accurate and complete information should be provided for reviewers. Authors should have integrity in responding to reviewers' comments and suggestions.

         - Authors should declare that they have no competing interests and disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their work. This includes any funding sources or affiliations that may bias the work.

         -  Ethical issues must be upheld in all aspects of the research process. Authors should provide information regarding the ethics clearance of their research if needed.

         -  The authors need to work along with Current Applied Science and Technology journal editorial requirements and edit their work as needed. In case of any conflict or problem in editing the manuscript, the author should inform the editor of Current Applied Science and Technology journal immediately.


Ethics of Reviewers

All articles submitted to Current Applied Science and Technology journal will undergo a process of editorial review and peer review with transparency and fairness. Reviewers should have suitable expertise in the relevant field and evaluate a manuscript without any conflict of interest. The peer reviewers are urged to follow the ethical practices of confidentiality, objectivity, and declaration of conflict of interest (if any). Reviewers should assist the editor in making a proper decision as well as advise the editor in case of possible misconduct associated with plagiarism, data fabrication and/or falsification, duplicate submission, ghost authorship, or citation manipulation. Please note that-

         -  All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process.

         -  Reviewers are selected based on their suitable expertise in the relevant field.

         -  Reviewers must not use data disclosed through the review process for their own benefit without the permission of the authors.

         - Reviewers should provide constructive feedback. Personal or biased comments must be avoided.

         -  Reviewers should declare any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to review a manuscript. If there is a problem related to conflict of interest or any links with the reviewed paper, the reviewer must address this issue by informing the Editor.


Ethics of Editors

The editors of Current Applied Science and Technology journal are encouraged to follow the ethical practices of confidentiality, objectivity, and declaration of conflict of interest (if any). Please note that:

         -  The editorial board is selected on the basis of their expertise and diversity.

         -  All members of the editorial team must uphold the ethical principles in decisions related to Current Applied Science and Technology journal.

         -  Editors should ensure that a peer review process is fair and unbiased.

         - Editors should select three reviewers who have expertise in relevant fields and do not have any conflict of interest with the authors for the reviewing process. In addition, editors should maintain the confidentiality of manuscripts and only disclose information to those involved in the review process.

         - Editors should considerately evaluate manuscripts based on their academic merit, relevance, and originality.

         - Editors should promptly deal with any potential conflicts of interest or ethical issues that may arise during the publication process. If any issues and/or conflicts arise, these should be addressed in a professional manner.


Publication Decisions

The manuscript will be accepted for publication by at least two reviewers’ acceptance. The editors are responsible for a final decision on publication when the authors have already revised their work according to the reviewers’ comments and sent the copyright transfer agreement. The journal accepts original or innovative research articles and will not accept articles which have been published elsewhere.


Intellectual property is seriously concerned by the journal. On submission, all manuscripts are screened using the software ‘Turnitin’ which is supported by King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. If plagiarism (higher than 30% of similarity) is suspected, the editors will immediately inform the authors of the rejection. If plagiarism is proven after publication, the article will be retracted from the journal. The editors will contact all the authors’ institutions to explain the retraction of article and the authors’ behaviors. The event of retraction will also be officially announced as soon as possible on the journal website.


Publication Malpractice

Current Applied Science and Technology endeavors to maintain transparency and ethical practices in scientific research and publication. Therefore, all authors, reviewers, and readers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with our publication ethics and malpractice statements to ensure that the highest standards of integrity and scholarly conduct are perpetuated throughout the publishing process.

Publication Misconduct: Manipulating citations, duplicating publications, or submitting the same work to multiple journals simultaneously are considered as publication misconduct. Authors should not engage in publication misconduct.

Publication Malpractice Statement:  The journal upholds the highest ethical standards and takes misconduct allegations seriously. Our publication malpractice statement includes the following principles:
         1. Plagiarism:  If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be immediately rejected, and appropriate actions will be taken.
         2. Fabrication and Falsification:  The fabrication or falsification of data or results is prohibited. Therefore, authors must present accurate and reliable data. Any manipulation or misrepresentation of research findings will be considered as a severe breach of ethical conduct.
         3. Multiple Submissions: Manuscripts submitted to Current Applied Science and Technology must not be under consideration by any other journal or conference proceedings. Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple publications is unethical and will result in immediate decline.
         4. Authorship Disputes:  Any disputes related to authorship or misrepresentation of authorship must be settled before submitting the manuscript.

        5. Peer Review Integrity: Attempts to manipulate the review process, e.g., coercing reviewers or providing false recommendations, are strictly prohibited.

         6. Retraction and Corrections: The journal will take appropriate action if significant errors or misconduct are identified in a published article either by issuing a retraction or publishing corrections to rectify the situation. In case of corrections, a published article will be corrected promptly with transparently, and according to established guidelines.

         7. Reporting Misconduct:  Authors, reviewers, and readers are encouraged to report any suspected misconduct, ethical violations, or any concerns regarding published articles. Such reports will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken based on the findings.

Note: Withdrawal after an article has already been accepted and published online cannot be withrdrawn unless malpractice is found.

Post-Publication Corrections and Retractions:

In cases of suspected misconduct, the matter will be investigated thoroughly and take appropriate action and can lead to either retracting or correcting published articles.

Ethical Concern Reporting Section: 

In order to maintain the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing, authors, reviewers, and readers are urged to report any ethical concerns or misconduct they may discover. Any feedback plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of our journal and ensuring responsible publishing practices. Details about ethical concerns, including a description of the issue, relevant manuscript or publication details, and any supporting evidence or documentation can be reported via Ethical Concern Reporting Form.  All reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. The information provided will be handled professionally and sensitively.

Please note that for any other general inquiries or correspondence, please use the appropriate contact channels provided on our website.

Ethical Concern Reporting Form


Appeals of editorial decisions may be considered if an editor or reviewer made a significant factual error or a major misunderstanding of a manuscript, or the integrity of the editorial decision-making process was compromised. The journal allows only one appeal per manuscript.


Text recycling:

Text recycling is also known as self-plagiarism, i.e. when author re-uses sections of text from their own previous publications without proper attribution. Text recycling is different from redundant or duplicate publication which refers to larger scale repeated publication of text or data with at least one author in common. Current Applied Science and Technology will follow COPE guidelines on text recycling when assessing acceptability of text recycling in a given manuscript. Where text recycling is deemed unacceptable, a submitted manuscript may be rejected. Furthermore, any manuscript based on a thesis should be a reworking of the material in the thesis and written to conform to the journal's style guide. Authors should also avoid self-plagiarism by appropriately citing and referencing any extracts copied or adapted from the thesis.


Conflict of interest:

 Authors, reviewers, and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that might influence the research or its publication, including funding sources, personal, or institutional affiliations.

Errors and Corrections:

Authors have an ethical responsibility to promptly inform the journal editor If significant errors or inaccuracies are discovered in a published article, and also to cooperate in issuing corrections or retractions if necessary.

Data and reproducibility:

Authors should provide access to the data and methods used in their research to allow for transparency and reproducibility of their findings.