About Current Applied Science and Technology:

Current Applied Science and Technology, formerly “KMITL Science and Technology Journal”, has been established since its inception as “KMITL Science Journal” published by King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) in 2001.  Since its inception, the journal was renamed as “KMITL Science and Technology Journal” in 2005 and the journal was published both in print and electronic forms in 2010 starting from volume 10.  Since 2017, the journal title has been renamed to “Current Applied Science and Technology” and printed online only via the official website of “Current Applied Science and Technology”.

Current Applied Science and Technology is a distinguished journal committed to publishing peer-reviewed articles. The journal is an open access peer-reviewed and double blinded journal which publishes online original academic research paper and review articles. Quality, integrity, and reliability of the research/review articles published in this journal are ensured in order to make this journal a trustworthy source of peer-reviewed content in applied science and technology.

Journal Abbreviation: Curr. Appl. Sci. Technol.

e-ISSN: 2586-9396 (Online)

Starting Year: 2001
Language: English


Advisory Board:

Komsan Maleesee, President of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand 

Anuwat Jangwanitlert, Vice President for Academic Affairs, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand 

Kamronwit Thipmanee, Vice President for Prince of Chumphon Campus, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand 

Chanboon Sathitwiriyawong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand 


Editor- in-Chief:              

Dusanee Thanaboripat, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand 


Aims and Scope:

Current Applied Science and Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for researchers, scientists, and academicians to share their knowledge and ideas with the broader scientific community in the form of publication. Submissions from researchers, scientists, and academics either in the ASEAN region or around the world are welcomed. High-quality articles covering the main fields in the 4 categories below are considered for publication.

  1. Agricultural and Biological Sciences

    • Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
    • Agronomy and Crop Science
    • Food Science 

  2. Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Molecular Biology/Genetic Engineering
    • Biotechnology (Microbial, Plant and Animal Biotechnology)

       3. Environmental Science

    • Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
    • Environmental Engineering

       4. Applied Sciences and Technology emphasizing the application related to the fields of agriculture and biological sciences, biotechnology, or environmental sciences.


Types of Published Articles:

         1. Research articles:  Original research findings in Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Environmental Science, and Applied Sciences and Technology which are related to the fields of agriculture, biotechnology or environment are considered. Research articles should provide a clear research question, methodology, a clear and concise result, and discussion of the research findings. Conclusions and implications, and contributions of their research finding to the relevant field of study should also be included in the articles.

         2. Review articles: Comprehensive review on a topic in Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Environmental Science, and Applied Sciences and Technology which are related to the fields of agriculture, biotechnology or environment are considered. Review articles should critically analyze and synthesize the up-to-date literature. Furthermore, knowledge gaps should be identified together with the recommendation of future research directions.

         Rigorous and ethical research adheres to the highest standards of scientific integrity should be considered when submitting manuscripts. The submission of articles that present innovative and original research and contribute to developing new theories, methodologies, and techniques are encouraged.


Publication Frequency:

Current Applied Science and Technology journal publishes 6 issues per year (online).

Issue 1 (January - February)

Issue 2 (March - April)

Issue 3 (May - June)

Issue 4 (July - August)

Issue 5 (September - October)

Issue 6 (November - December)

In addition, the journal also provides an Online First feature, i.e. Online First Articles. The accepted articles will be published before they appear in an issue of the journal. This means that the latest research/review articles completed with DOI are made available online as quickly as possible. The Online First feature can provide benefits to all researchers and users of the journal's online content.

Once an Online First article is assigned to its final issue and given its bibliographic data, such as volume and issue, the hosting of the article online transitions from the Online First listing to that of the completed issue. The article can then be located via the journal's main archive page rather than the Online First page. Citations using either the DOI or the bibliographic data will both resolve to the final article, and the completed article will be the prominent article found when linking into the DOI or article URL.



All articles submitted to the journal must be written in English with clear and concise language adhered to proper grammar and spelling.


Publication Fee:

No Page Charge.

There is no fee or page charge for manuscript submission and publishing materials. All articles published can be freely downloaded from the journal website.                             


Editorial Policy:

Papers, comprising review and research papers, will be judged for publication on the basis of evaluation by independent reviewers. Such articles include substantial supported theories, innovative work, substantial experimental results, useful and constructive discussion, and review articles in the fields of science and technology such as Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Environmental Science, Applied Sciences and Technology related to the fields of agriculture, biotechnology or environment. An electronic journal is provided on the websit: Homepage. The Editors reserve the right to require revision of the submitted manuscript as a condition for final acceptance.

The institute and the editorial board claim no responsibility for the contents or views expressed by the authors of individual articles. Copying is allowed if acknowledgement is made. All articles submitted for publication will be assessed by a group of distinguished reviewers.


Open Access Policy:

This journal provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge and ideas.


AI Policy:
The use of AI must not infringe plagiarism policy.


Archiving Policy:

Articles published in Current Applied Science and Technology are archived by the Thai Journal Online (ThaiJO) system, Thailand’s central electronic journal database. All articles can be accessed freely from the website: Archives . Authors retain the copyright of their articles and are allowed to self-archive their articles in PDF format.


Ownership and Management:

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), a renown public university in Thailand, demonstrates the right to own Current Applied Science and Technology journal.  KMITL provides all facilities required for the journal to maintain its high publication standards, rigorous peer-review process, and open-access availability to researchers and readers worldwide. In order to comply with the vision of KMITL, the Office of Academic Journal Administration (OJA) under President’s Office has been assigned to monitor the overall management of the journal.

Details of King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang can be found via https://www.kmitl.ac.th/.



Current Applied Science and Technology is the official peer-reviewed journal of King Mongkut's Instutute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand. The journal website can be linked via Thaijo database system.


Copyright and Licensing:

Current Applied Science and Technology treasures copyright protection and licensing to secure author’s rights. The appropriate dissemination of articles is exercised to ensure openness, accessibility, and attribution. Authors retain copyright ownership, and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND license, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which allows sharing, adaptation, and proper attribution. These policies foster an environment of collaboration and openness as well as responsible sharing, benefiting authors and the research community while intellectual property rights are honored.


Revenue Sources:

The main revenue sources to sustain the operations and uphold transparency of the journal are provided by KMITL. In addition, financial  support from Thai Citation Index Center (TCI) and Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) to enhance the quality of the journal are well received via the TCI-TSRI-Scopus Collaboration Project. All revenue sources for the journal do not influence editorial decisions. All manuscripts submitted are evaluated solely on scientific merit. All processes from submission to publication are operated in a way to maintain transparency and high standards of publication.



Current Applied Science and Technology policy on advertising maintains transparency and integrity. In order to promote the journal globally, international academic conferences or symposia relevant to the aims and scope of the journal are considered. The editorial board or an academic committee of the journal makes decisions based on relevance and quality. There is no charge for such advertising, therefore, advertisements do not influence editorial or committee decisions, and the scientific merit of manuscripts can be ensured. Advertisements will be displayed and placed in designated sections which are separated from published content. Professionalism, ethics, and the separation of advertising from scientific content are prioritized to uphold editorial independence and article integrity. Furthermore, there is no charge for advertising.


Direct Marketing:

In order to promote Current Applied Science and Technology while maintaining ethical standards, direct marketing activities are considered cautiously. The journal prioritizes transparency, obtaining consent, and respecting data privacy regulations. Responsibility for ethical direct marketing to engage the scientific community, foster collaborations, and transparently disseminate high-quality research are also emphasized.


Editorial Office:

Current Applied Science and Technology
Office of Academic Journal Administration, President’s Office, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand

Tel. 662-329-8107
E-mail: cast@kmitl.ac.th


Principal Contact:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dusanee Thanaboripat
E-mail: dusanee.th@kmitl.ac.th, ktdusane@hotmail.com


Support Contact:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Vorapat Sanguanchaipaiwong
E-mail: vorapat.sa@kmitl.ac.th