The Estimation of Electrical Equivalent Circuit Model and Behaviors of Breakdown of Euglena sanguinea Ehrenberg Stimulated by Multi-Level Electromagnetic Fields

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Komphet Packamwongsang*
Sutthichai Noppanakeepong
Nuanphan Naranong
Prasit Phaewbang
Wanita Packamwongsang
P. Pleuksananon


This research studied the complex impedance and permittivities of E. sanguinea by measuring the RC impedance and then calculated and compared to measured values by Cole-Cole plot. The objective of this study were to build a new electrical equivalent circuit model from RC circuit model of E. sanguinea with MEM and explain behaviors of breakdown of E. sanguinea by mean of critical frequency, critical voltage, critical electric field, breakdown electric which were stimulated by MEM. The results revealed that there were a correlation between impedance from measurement and simulation with correlation value equal to 0.89. The RC impedance of E.
sanguine of each chemical component was behavioral in semicircle varied to frequency. The model can be used for design of wastewater treatment system by MEM such as treating algae bloom water. This is an innovative electric simulation applicable to the electric engineering and other related fields.

Keyword: Multi-Level Electromagnetic Fields (MEM), complex impedance, electric field, Euglena sanguinea, resonance frequency


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