Effect of Optical Beat Interference in SCM/WDM Optical Networks in Presence of FWM

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M.T. Al-Qdah*
H.A. Abdul-Rashid
B.M. Ali
M. Khazani


Subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) with Wavelength Division multiplexing (WDM) can be used to increase the capacity of any optical network. For simultaneously accessible subcarrier channels the capacity should ideally increase linearly with the number of subcarrier channels. However, when two lasers carrying subcarrier channel multiplexed data operate with very closed spaced wavelength, beating between the lasers and between the lasers and Four-Wave mixing terms can occur. This will increase the noise at the photodetector. This paper presents general model of optical beat interference in presence of Four-Wave Mixing (FWM). Computer simulations for externally modulated single-mode laser transmitted through a Dispersion Shifted Fiber (DSF) are presented. For degenerate case, the results show degradation in Carrier to Interference Ratio (CIR) when the laser frequency separation is equal to and half of the subcarrier channel frequency.

Keywords: Subcarrier multiplexing, optical beat interference, and four-wave mixing

Corresponding author: E-mail: malik.qdah@mmu.edu.my

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