Utilization of Trichogramma Parasitoid as Biological Control Agent against Sunflower Headworm Helicoverpa armigera Hubner

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Teotimo M. Aganon
Devendra Raj Adhikari


The study evaluated Trichogramma parasitoid as a potential biological control agent against sunflower headworm. The aims were to determine the most effective Trichogramma species in parasitizing sunflower headworm egg, to evaluate the effectiveness of different rates of Trichogramma chilones application and to compare the use of Trichogramma and insecticide on the yield of sunflower.

            Results show that of the four Trichogramma species tested T. chilones proved to be the most efficient in parasitizing Helicoverpa armigera eggs. Percentage parasitism, percentage sunflower seed set and yield of sunflower were greatly affected by the rate of application of T. chilones. When applied at the rate of 70,000 parasites per hectare per release, T. chilones was effective in parasitizing sunflower headworm eggs, thus increasing sunflower seed sets and consequently sunflower yield. Application of T. chilones was superior to insecticide treatment in controlling sunflower headworm.

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Corresponding author: E-mail: cast@kmitl.ac.th

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Original Research Articles


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