Functional Genomics

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Huang Caihong
Yang Qian*


Molecular biology has advanced a lot in recent years. So far, the complete genome sequences of several eukaryotes have been published. The first draft of the human genome has been completed ahead of schedule. Thus, much of the sequencing work is done. Now, the focus in genomic research is shifting from “structural genomics” towards “functional genomics” Functional genomics is a relatively new field of molecular biology that studies how genomic information defines the functions of proteins in living organism. It combines high-throughput experimental methodologies with statistical and statistical and computational analysis of the results to study genes or proteins in a systematic and systemic fashion. Study on bioinformatics is of crucial importance for our ability to exploit the wealth of information contained in the human genome for applied research. In this paper, we present information about genomic function and show several methods used in functional research.

Keywords: genomic function analysis methods

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