Solarization and Flooding: IPM Strategies for the Control of Flea Beetle (Phylotreta spp.) Coleoptera in Pak-Choi Production

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A.C. Roxas*
M.G. Patricio
M.A. Bayugan
M.C. Mactal
L.L. Black
G.C. Bruin
J.R. Burleigh
N.S. Talekar
W. Schnitzler
S. Kalbfleisch


Solarization and flooding as component of integrated pest management (IPM) of flea beetle population in pak-choi production was done. Results show that the number of damaged plants due to flea beetle (0, 0, 27) and diamond back moth (0, 0, 6) and damage rating (0, 0.125, 8.25) per square meter were significantly lower on solarized and flooded plots compared to the control plots respectively. Likewise, weight of marketable plants per hectare was significantly higher on solarized and flooded plots with means of 14.6 and 16.2 tons/ha respectively as compared to the control plots (1.9 tons per ha). Based on the result the percent increased in weight of marketable plants/ha in solarized and flooded plots over  the control was 752.6 % and 668.4 %, respectively.

Keywords: Phylotreta spp., Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae pak-choi, Brassicae IPM solarization, flooding

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