Space-Efficient Parallel Bitonic Sorting On a Cluster of PCs

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Jureeporn Boonniyom*
Phairoj Samutrak
Jeeraporn Srisawat


This paper presents the space-efficient parallel Bitonic sorting for a very large data set on a cluster of PCs by using MPI. Recently, most studies have focused on the theoretical approach of the parallel Bitonic sorting on shared-memory or distributed-memory parallel computers. As a combination of theoretical and practical approach, we are interested to study and implement the parallel Bitonic-sorting on a cluster of PCs with efficient-space and efficient-communication overhead. In such cluster environment, the system performance of our parallel Bitonic sorting(NBS) and existing Bitonic sorting(BS) have been compared in terms of response time, speedup, and efficiency. In experimental results, our space-efficient parallel Bitonic sorting yielded similar results to those of the parallel Bitonic MPI-based sorting, while the space of our method was improved up to 50%.

Keywords: Parallel Bitonic sorting, efficient space, efficient communication, MPI (Message Passing Interface), a cluster of PCs

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Original Research Articles


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