Antimicrobial Effects of Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Oil

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U.N. Ekwenye*
C.A Ijeomah


Traditionary extracted palm oil and palm kernel oil were obtained from Elaets guineensis (Jacquin). Both oils have been used in the South Eastern Nigeria for the treatment of various diseases and skin infections. Five microorganisms namely; Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger known to cause some infections treatable with these oils were investigated. The results showed that there was no inhibition on the five microorganisms by dura and tenera varieties of Elacis guineensis when tested individually. When the mixed extracts were tested, only Escherichia coli was minimally inhibited.

Keywords: Dura, Tenera, Palm oil, Palm Kernel, Antimicrobial.

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