Impact of Wind Speed and Direction on Low Cloud Cover over Baghdad City

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Zainab M. Abbood
Osama T. Al-Taai*
Wedyan G. Nassif


Clouds are one of the best evidences for the continuous movement of the Earth's atmosphere, and they play a major role in the Earth's climate through their influence on the balance of solar radiation. Part of the falling solar radiation causes the heating of the Earth’s surface. The statistical methods used in this study depend on the daily, monthly and seasonal mean of Low Cloud Cover (LCC), Wind Speed (WS), and Wind Direction (WD), with data taken from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the year 2018 at the times of 00.00 am, and 12.00 pm over Baghdad Station. The highest values of low cloud cover were recorded during December, January and February, while wind speed was low. The highest values of wind speed were found during June and July at 12:00 pm. As for the seasonal analysis, it was noted that the LCC was high during winter and autumn. The relationship between wind speed and low cloud cover was also found to be inverse; the higher the wind speed, the lower the cloud cover.

Keywords: low cloud cover; wind speed; wind direction; ECMWF; Baghdad

*Corresponding author: Tel.: +964 7702642680


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