Factors Influencing Students’ Behavioral Intention on Using Mobile Learning (M-Learning) in Tourism and Hospitality Major in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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Dom Sophea
Tinikan Sungsuwan
Petcharut Viriyasuebphongp*


Technology has rapidly improved and become a crucial tool for education. It provides both new content and opportunities that learners could employ for learning, especially mobile learning. To get an effective adoption and operation of new technology, it is imperative to understand factors influencing student’s intentions to use it. The paper presents student behavioral intentions on using mobile learning among university students in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, by adopting the extended technology acceptance model (TAM). A quantitative method was employed using a survey with a 5-Point-Likert scale. Questionnaires were administered to 420 students majoring in Tourism and Hospitality in Cambodia through a stratified sampling method, with the return rate of 98.33 percent. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to analyze the relationship between the proposed determinants of the research model by employing AMOS. The results illustrate that self-efficacy, personal innovativeness, perceived enjoyment, and social influence have significant effects on the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness towards students’ behavioral intention to use mobile learning in the proposed model. Based on these results, some recommendations for implications and further research have been proposed.

Keywords: behavioral intention; mobile learning; tourism; hospitality

*Corresponding author: Tel.: (+66) 081 999 5858

                                            E-mail: phetchalas@go.buu.ac.th

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