Weighted Voting Ensemble for Depressive Disorder Analysis with Multi-objective Optimization
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The Twitter platform is a popular tool that is widely used by researchers to collect data on users’ personal lives, feelings and emotions. These data sets can be further analyzed using text mining techniques to predict the disorder of depression. There are nine symptoms of depression that are classified by American Psychiatric Association using DSM-5 criteria. The symptoms can be difficult to identify effectively. The unweighted vote ensemble is not practical for multi-class data. Therefore, this research proposes the multi-objective optimization algorithms for depressive symptom prediction modeling (MOADSP) for the weighted voting ensemble, which can improve its effectiveness compared to the singer model. The objectives of this research were 1) to find the appropriate number of features; 2) to improve the weights of the prediction models based on the recall of the class for the ensemble; and 3) to compare the performance of the single, unweighted, and weighted voting ensemble models for depressive disorder. An information gain was used to select the features. The single classification techniques used in the experiment that had their frameworks tested were the Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and K-Nearest techniques, while the vote ensemble models used were the unweighted and weighted models. MOADSP was applied to the weighted vote ensemble models. The results showed that the best recall classifier was KNN (98.60%), and the highest recall classifier was AVG TP weighted (98.43%) for the training model. The highest recall in the class depressive classifier was AVG TP weighted (80.00%) for the testing. This proposed method was beneficial for the prediction of depressive disorder.
Keywords: weighted voting ensemble; multi-objective optimization; major depressive disorder; text classification; depressive disorder analysis
*Corresponding author: Tel.: (+66) 985951653
E-mail: chatklaw.j@msu.ac.th
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