Effect of Some Parameters on Optical Soliton Pulses in Photonic Crystal Fibers

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Mohammed Salim Jasim*


Fiber optics have been greatly enhanced by photonic crystal fibers based on microstructured air-glass designs. On the one hand, such fibers enable very tight light confines in a small mode shape region, resulting in significantly improved alternative options between light and dielectric medium. Photonic crystal fibers, on the other hand, allow light to be guided via air core instead of glass. As a result, the latter form of fiber decreases optical nonlinearities in ways that classic fiber designs cannot. The chirp effect and dispersion of photonic crystal fibers with super-Gaussian pulses during various pulses durations are examined in this paper in both normal and anomalous dispersion patterns. The chirp effect and fiber dispersive nonlinear effects are investigated. For this study, a mathematical model of the solution of a nonlinear equation involved the split-step Fourier method. Peak power was reduced for broad pulses. When the magnitude of the super-Gaussian pulse increased proportionally, pulse constriction was also noticeable, Furthermore, the results reveal that an anomalous dispersion system was superior to a regular dispersion system for pulse . The experimental findings will facilitate further research into more understanding of photonic crystal fibers, and to improve data speeds in modern optical communication systems.

Keywords: photonic crystal fiber; super-gaussian pulse; nonlinear effects; dispersion; chirp; split-step Fourier

*Corresponding author: E-mail: msjadr72@gmail.com

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