The Polymorphism of Heat Shock Protein 70.1 (hsp70.1) Gene at AP2 Box Region in Thai Native Cattle

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Anusorn Jasanchuen
Pradit Sangthong
Danai Sangthong


Heat shock proteins family (Hsp) is known to play a major role in the protection of cells from thermal stress. It is an important to protect cells from heat damage as well as to prevent protein denaturation and apoptosis. The genotypic variants of hsp70.1 gene in the AP2 box region, especially the deletion of cytosine base (base position g895) are associated to decrease cellular thermo-tolerance in cattle. In Thailand, There is no information to display the mutation of this gene in Thai native cattle. The aim of this study is to investigate the genotypic variation of hsp70.1 gene in the AP2 box region in Thai native cattle (at base position g895). To elucidate, we used DNA from 51 samples of Thai native cattle comprise 9, 22, 10 and 10 samples from 4 regions of Thailand composed of the North, North-East, Central region and the South, respectively. Double PCR-RFLP was used to identify the genotypes of hsp70.1 gene in theAP2 box region. Our results revealed that the wild type genotype was found in 70.59 % (n=36), homozygous mutation 27.45 % (n=14) and heterozygous mutation 1.96 % (n=1) respectively. Furthermore, The North region of Thailand is the most group of mutation. The result from this study may be useful to evaluate the correlation of thermo-tolerance and genotypic variation and useful for selection and improvement of Thai native cattle in the future.

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How to Cite
Jasanchuen, A., Sangthong, P. and Sangthong, D. (2018) “The Polymorphism of Heat Shock Protein 70.1 (hsp70.1) Gene at AP2 Box Region in Thai Native Cattle”, Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 11(2), pp. 79–90. Available at: (Accessed: 12 September 2024).
Research Article


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