Seasons with Biodiversity of Freshwater Algae, Rotifer and Cladocera in Surin Province


  • จุฑามาส อยู่มาก
  • เฉลา สำราญดี
  • สยาม ระโส
  • กชนิภา อุดมทวี
  • โศภิษฐ์ เวทยสุภรณ์


Seasons, Biodiversity, Freshwater algae, Rotifer, Cladocera


This research was to study both the seasons and biodiversity of freshwater algae, rotifer and Cladocera group. Water samples were collected from 12 sampling sites of three seasons such as winter (November-October, 2018), summer (March-April, 2018) and rainy season (July-August, 2018), using 61 µm plankton net and sampling for 2-3 times for one sampling bottle and fixed with 4% formalin. Apart from that, physical properties of water quality were determined such as temperature and pH in all sampling sites.

From this study, 63 species of microalgae were found in all 3 seasons.  The 7 species were found in both winter and summer, while 8 species were found in both winter and rainy season. The most abundance were found 96 species in winter period, 73 species in summer and 71 species in rainy season respectively. For rotifer, 28 species were found in all 3 seasons and 28 species were found in winter season with only on species of Trochosphaera sp. The 2 species of Conochilus sp. and Trichocerca ruttneri were found in only summer season, whereas 16 species were found in winter and summer period, while only one species of Macrochaetus sp. were found in winter and rainy season. Summer was found the most abundantly with 46 species whereas, 45 species in winter and 29 species in summer season, respectively. For Cladocera, the 6 species were found in all 3 seasons. The 4 species were found in winter and the one species of Daphnia lumholzi were found in winter and rainy season. The most abundant species were found in winter with 11 species, The similar species were found in summer and rainy season with 6 and 7 species, respectively.

HuaySanaeng is a larger reservoir in Muang district from this study, which was the Oligotrophic type of water resource. Water was in the good quality and found green algae in the group of Desmid such as Staurastrum sp. Cloasterium sp. and Closmarium sp. Moreover, these green algae were similarly found in Suwannapa reservoir in Prasart district and Kraorm reservoir in Sumrongtap district. However, Centric diatom in the genus of Cyclotella were found, indicated the good quality of water in the Kraorm reservoir.




How to Cite

อยู่มาก จ. . ., สำราญดี เ., ระโส ส., อุดมทวี ก., & เวทยสุภรณ์ โ. . (2021). Seasons with Biodiversity of Freshwater Algae, Rotifer and Cladocera in Surin Province. Koch Cha Sarn Journal of Science, 43(1), 1–19. retrieved from



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