The Study of Physical and Chemical Characteristic of Herbal Used in Thai Pharmacy Principle Case Study: Rauwolfia Root
Rauwolfia root, Physical characteristic, Chemical characteristicAbstract
This research was aimed to study the physical and chemical characteristic of Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz (Rauwolfia) root which used in Thai pharmacy principle. The rauwolfia roots were treated to toxic elimination by three methods based on Thai pharmacy process: 1. roasting, 2. soaking in washings uncooked rice water and roasting, 3.alcohol spraying and roasting. The physical characteristic was examined by knowledge of Thai traditional medicine and chemical characteristic was examined by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). The results revealed that physical characteristic of three samples of rauwolfia root were solid, light brown-yellow, roasted bean smell and bitter. When examined chemical characteristic of three samples by HPTLC, it showed slightly different of TLC pattern when detected under white light, UV light 254 and 366 nm, respectively. White light was not found any band in three samples. While under UV light 254 nm, TLC pattern of sample 1 and 2 found 8 bands but sample 3 found 7 bands. Moreover, under UV light 366 nm, three samples were found 8 bands but sample 3 showed mostly light intensive bands. The result from this study was able to confirm physical characteristic of rauwolfia root. It can be developed for quality control of raw material using for Thai pharmacy principle.
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