Transfer optimizing use of nutrients for increasing cassava yield and economic return to smallholder farmers in Northeastern Thailand

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Supaporn Plungchompu
Kiatchai Montreewong
Anan Polthanee


To obtain high yield and sustainable yields, the crop should be well - managed, especially application of nutrients for the requirement in adequate amount. Objectives of Transferring this technology was to recommended optimizing use of nutrients based on soil testing to increase cassava yield and net income of smallholder farmers. The study site was carried out at Khaophranon sub-district, Yangtald district, Kalasin province, Northeastern Thailand. Ten farmers were selected to participate in testing. Results found that farmers (90%) applied N inadequate amount ranges 6-88 kg/ha. For K, farmers (90%) applied inadequate amount ranges 50-94 kg/ha. For P, farmers (50%) applied lower than adequate amounts ragnes13-19 kg/ha, compared to recommendation based on soil testing. The optimizing use of N, P and K increased tuber yield by 4-21 t/ha and net income by 431-2250 USD/ha, in comparison with farmers traditional practices.

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Research Article (บทความวิจัย)