Parameter Optimization for Soil Tillage and Weed Control Using Combined Response Surface Method and Modified Differential Evolution Method


  • Thanatkij Srichok Ubon Ratchathani University
  • Chaiya Chomchalao
  • Rapeepan Pitakaso
  • Surajet Khonjun


Land Preparation, Disk plow, Differential evolution, Response Surface Method


This study presents a method to find the optimal operating parameters of a tractor disk plow that maximizes the width of soil tillage and weed control. The method used to find the parameters comprised of 4 steps including (1) identifying the number of interesting parameters and their levels, (2) determining the appropriate parameters using the RSM method, (3) finding the optimal parameters using RSM-MDE and (4) checking results of the third procedure. The computational results showed that the most effective optimal parameters were improved by the RSM-MDE method with disk angle of 45 degrees, a tilt angle of 19.34 degrees, and speed of 3 km./hr. The width of soil tillage and weed control was 139.20 cm. which was wider than of the RSM method (137.44 cm). This result indicated that the RSM-MDE method can provide better solution by 1.28% than the original RSM.


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How to Cite

Srichok, T., Chomchalao, C. ., Pitakaso, R., & Khonjun, S. (2021). Parameter Optimization for Soil Tillage and Weed Control Using Combined Response Surface Method and Modified Differential Evolution Method . Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal, 13(2), 221–239. retrieved from