
Duties and Responsibilities of an Author

  1. The author must certify that it is original and new research article, and never publish in any conference or journal.
  2. The author must present the real data and not misrepresent the data.
  3. The author must put the paper’s author in the text and in the references list in the case of cite the data of any articles.
  4. The author must follow the article format the journal.
  5. Research articles must be reviewed by the Human Research Ethics Committee, and the author must clearly specify the certification number in the article.
  6. The author list in the article must truly be involved in the research, and must be acknowledged and agree to submit the article to the Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal for consideration for publication.
  7. The author must not infringe the copyright of others' works, such as plagiarism,falsification, or modification of data
  8. The author must not submit articles for publication in other journals while awaiting consideration for publication. Counting from the date the author submits the article to the journal until the article is published. If the Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal has accepted the publication of the article.
  9. The author must acknowledge the funds in an article.
  10. The author should disclose any conflicts of interest in the article, if applicable.
  11. if the author is found to have violated the ethics and code of ethics in any case.The editor/editorial team can cancel or retract an article.

Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

  1. The editors consider the article format, completeness, and quality before putting an article in the publishing process.
  2. The editors must not reveal any information to any irrelevant person.
  3. The editors must be the first one for assessing and deciding to publish an article due to the importance, up to date of an article and related to the objectives of the journal.
  4. The editors should provide the clear guideline for formatting an article and constantly make it up to date.
  5. The editors must not allow any article to publish in the journal that already published in any conference or journal.
  6. The editors must inspect the plagiarism by using the reliable program.The article will be rejected in case of plagiarism.
  7. The editors must not have any advantage with the author and the reviewer.
  8. The editors must not reject to publish any article unless the editors can prove the facts.
  9. The editors will take appropriate action against authors or articles found to have duplicate research information or have committed violations of ethics and the code of conduct.

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers must not reveal any data of an article including the data of an author to any irrelevant person throughout the assessment process.
  2. Reviewers must not have any relevance with the author or can’t be co-author in an article.
  3. Reviewers must assess an article base on their knowledge and expertise in his field and assess base on the importance, up to date, clarify of an article and related to the objectives of the journal.
  4. Reviewers may guide and suggest the references which correlated to an article.
  5. In case of plagiarism, reviewer informs an editor. The article will be rejected to publish.