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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript preparation and submission (Download file)

Princess of Naradhiwas University

Editorial board of Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal would like to invite all members and interested persons to submit research or academic articles which related to health science in medicine, nursing, dentistry, health profession and related field. If it is a research articles which a part or a research work, it must be completed within 5 years. In case of a thesis/dissertation, a letter of recommendation signed by advisor and master/doctoral student is required. The article never be published or in the process of being published in any journal. The editorial board reserves the right to modify the manuscript for its appropriateness and to meet the criteria set of the journal. The peer review is double-blind review process which involved at least two experts.

Types of Articles

  1. Research articles
  2. Academic articles
  3. Review articles, special articles, and miscellany

Manuscript Preparation

1. The manuscript must be typed using a computer program MS Word 97/03 for Windows with Angsana New, size 16, and single page on A4. The page set by 2.54 cm top and bottom, 3.17 cm right, 2.54 cm left. Total number of pages is not more than 12 (not include reference list).

2. Thai and English titles must be in a middle of the first page with a font size of 18 bold.

3. Author's name both in Thai and English places under the title, align the right side of the paper with the font size of 14 and regular letters. Specify the number is in the superscript in order to show details about affiliative address of all authors as a footnote in the first page.

4. The author’s affiliative address both in Thai and English is in the footnote with the font size of 12. The major and minor affiliation is specified. E-mail address of the main author is specified as corresponding author.

5. Abstract both in Thai and English is not more than to 300 words.

6. Keywords both in Thai and English are about 3-5 words

7. The heading must be on the left edge and sub-heading is spaced 4 letters from the heading. Beginning of a new heading must be spaced one more lines.

8. Arabic number, and universal abbreviations (giving the full term of the first time mention) are used. An example of an English parentheses is “(Student centered learning)”.

9. Figures must be saved as JPEGs or Tiffs.

10 Manuscript components of research articles

          10.1 Abstract

          10.2 Introduction including state of the problem, literature review and conceptual framework, Document/Concept/Theory/ Research Review leads to the research conceptual framework.

          10.3 Objectives

          10.4 Research methodology including the research design, sample acquisition and sample size, research tools and its quality, data collection, data analysis, and research ethics (If required)

          10.5 Research results show clear findings according to research objectives, and present in tables or figures if necessary.

          10.6 Discussion which describes the linkages of research findings to conceptual framework, and previous studies. The linkage of all studied variables should be elaborated.

          10.7 Conclusions which describe key summary and related to objectives.

          10.8 Suggestion for applying research results, and issues for further research

          10.9 List of References, All references must be cited in the text.

11. Manuscript components of academic articles


          11.2 Introduction

          11.3 Content (showing the essence to be presented in sequence)

          11.4 Conclusions

          11.5 Suggestion

          11.6 List of References

12. Citation format

The 7th edition of the APA citation format was used (starting to be used in the journal of year 16 th, issue 2 onwards)

The payment of Article Processing Charges

1. The journal will request a publishing fee when the article is considered passing by the evaluation from the experts. The results of preliminary publication consideration will be notified via the Thaijo system as specified.

2. Details of Article Processing Charges

Internal personnel            Outsider personnel

Articles in Thai          3,000 baht                        4,500 baht

Articles in English     5,000 baht                       7,000 baht

*** In the case when the journal rejects to publish the article, the author must pay a processing fee for evaluating Thai laguage articles in  the amount of 3,000 baht / article. In the case of  English  laguage articles in  the amount of 5,000 baht / article. ***

Reference Examples

In-text citation:

Use the author's last name – year of publication. If the author's last name is in Thai, translate it into English. The writing format is as follows:

  1. One work by one author

Last name (year of publication) or ( Last name, year of publication)

Examples: Siriphan (2016)  or (Siriphan, 2016)

  1. One work by two authors

Examples: Siriphan and Kaewchai (2016) or (Siriphan & Kaewchai, 2016)

  1. One work by three authors or more authors

Simply include the first author’s last name following with et al. (Seeley et al., 2016) or  Seeley et al. (2016) in both  the first and subsequent citations.

  1. One work by organization, group

          4.1 Enter the name of the organization instead of the name of the author. For the first citation, enter the full name of the organization followed by an abbreviation in square brackets [ ], and thereafter use only abbreviations. If the abbreviation of organization is the same with others, always include the full name of the organization in the reference.


The first citation (World Health Organization [WHO], 2020)

The subsequent citation (WHO, 2020)

          4.2  Enter the full name of the organization. In the case where there are names of overseas organization of both principal organization and subdivisions, enter the name of the principal organization separated by a comma ( , ) followed by the name of the subdivision.


World Health Organization

University of Southampton, Faculty of Health Sciences

5.Citing more than one articles written by various authors

Enter the names of the authors in alphabetical order separated each reference by semicolons   ( ; ). If there are articles written in both Thai and foreign language, list the Thai references in the first order.


(Knecht, et al., 2000; Moskal, 2000; Schrock, 2000)  

 List of references

  1. Author's signature

1.1 author

Enter the last name separated by a comma ( , ) followed by the first initial name and middle initial name (if any)


Ahmad Asmuni                    Author's signature as Asmuni, A.

      John W. Creswell                  Author's signature as Creswell, J.W.

     Harison Michael Campbell      Author's signature as Campbell, H.M.

1.2 authors

Enter the last name separated by a comma ( , ) followed by the first initial name and the middle initial name of both authors separated by a comma, followed by an ampersand (&) in front of the second author's last name.


          Sutter, J., & Jue, A.

1.3 3 – 20 authors

            Enter the last name separated by commas followed by first initial name and the middle initial name of all authors. Place a comma ( , ) between all authors followed by an ampersand (&) before the last author's last name.


Fonghoi, W., Tayjasanant, C., & Nomnian, S.

1.4 21 or more authors

Enter the names of authors 1 through 19, separated by a comma ( , ) between all authors. Followed by three periods (. . .), with one space before and after each period, followed by the last author's name.


Yagi, K., Sato, Y., Sakaguchi, S., Goda, M., Hamano, H., Aizawa, F., Shimizu, M., Inoue-Hamano, A., Nishimori, T., Tagi, M., Kanno, M., Matsuoka-Ando, R., Yoshioka, T., Matstubara, Y., Izawa-Ishizawz, Y., Shimizu, R., Maruo, A., Kuniki, Y., Sakamoto, … Ishizawa, K.

1.5 Editor

Enter the name of the editor followed by the abbreviation Ed. If there is more than one person, use Eds in parentheses ( ).


Shelley, M., & Sahin, I. (Eds.)

 2. Reference list

2.1 Article

2.1.1 Articles in published journals

  1. Author's name: Enter according to the author's signature guidelines.
  2. The year of publication: Must be enclosed in parentheses ( ). For foreign language article, use it as the year Anno Domini (AD)
  3. Title of the foreign language article: Capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction words
  4. For the name of the journal: Capitalize the first letter of each word and is italicized
  5. The year of the journal is printed in italics.
  6. The issue must be placed in parentheses next to the year, it should not be in italicized.
  7. Page number


U-senyang, S., Trichandhara, K., & Rinthaisong, I. (2017). Antecedents of Organizational Health in Southern Thailan. International Journal of Behavioral Science, 12(1), 79 – 97.

2.1.2 Articles published online

Last name,/ initial of first name./(year of publication)./title of the article./name of journal,/year(issue),/page number./URL


Fonghoi, W. (2019). In-service Secondary School English Language teachers’ Instructional Practices, Challenges, and their Training Needs: A Focus Group Interview Study, Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 152 – 165. article/View/ 173972/142226

2.1.3 Articles with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers

Lastname,/ initial of first name./(year of publication)./name of article./name of journal,/year(issue),/page number./ number


Sayoh, I., Rusling, D.A., Brown, T., & Fox, K.R. (2020). DNA Structural Changes Induced by Intermolecular Triple Helix Formation. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 1679-1687.

2.1.4 Magazine articles

Lastname,/ initial of first name./(year,/month/day)./Article name./magazine name,/year (issue),/page number


Walt, V. (2021). The Lonely Quest for Ethical Chocolate. Fortune, 183(2), 54 - 58.

2.1.5 Articles in online magazines

Lastname,/ initial of first name./(Year,/Month/Day)./Article name./Magazine name,/Year(issue),/Page number./URL


Kelleher, K. (2020, February 13). Here are the Biggest Tax Law Changes to Look Out for this Year. Time, 195(3).

2.2 Books

  1. Author's name: Enter according to the author's signature guidelines.
  2. The year of publication: Must be enclosed in parentheses ( ). For foreign language article, use it as the year Anno Domini (AD). Enter no date (n.d.) in the case that the year of publication is not shown.
  3. Title of the foreign language book: Capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction words
  4. In the case of a book has been released in more than two editions, specify (printing number/number) following the book name without separating it with a period ( . ). Put the abbreviation "ed." after the printing number of a foreign publication.
  5. Publisher: Do not include the word publisher, limited partnership, public limited company, except for publishers of educational institutions. Enter according to the information shown, such as Thammasat University Press. Chulalongkorn University Printing press, etc., or foreign languages ​​that use the words Books or Press.
  6. If the publisher does not appear, enter no publisher (n.p.)
  7. In the case where the names of the author and the publisher are the same, enter the word author in place of the publisher.


Mackey, A. (2007). Oxford Applied Linguistics: Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press.

Shelley, M., & Sahin, I. (Eds.). (2022). Studies on Education, Science, and Technology 2021. ISTES Organization.

2.2.1 Chapters in a book

Lastname,/ initial of first name./(Year of publication)./Name of chapter or title of article./In/Name of editor /(Ed. or/////// /Eds.),/Book name/(pp./Page number)./Publisher.


Button, L. (2009). Facing Time: The Evocation of Time in Visual and Literary Forms of Autobiography. In S. Panja, S. Chakrabarti & C. Devadawson (Eds.), Word, Image, Text: Studies in Literary and Visual Culture (pp. 152-160). Orient BlackSwan.

2.2.2 Electronic books

Lastname,/Initial of first name./(Year of publication)./Title/(Printing number)./Publisher. /URL


Fedorov, A. (2007). Media Education: Sociology Surveys. House. http://files.eric. ed.gor /fulltext/ED557586.pdf

2.3 Thesis

  1. Author's name: Enter according to the author's signature guidelines.
  2. The year of publication: Must be enclosed in parentheses ( ). For foreign language article, use it as the year Anno Domini (AD).
  3. Foreign language thesis title: Capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction words includes for, and, or, but, while, when, after, before, and because and is italicized.
  4. Enter the word Master's Degree Thesis or Doctoral dissertation in square brackets [ ]. For foreign language thesis, enter Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation.
  5. University name

2.3.1 Published version thesis

Lastname,/initial of first name./(year of publication)./name of thesis /[Master's thesis or Doctoral///////dissertation]./University name.


Mayi, L. (2011). Doing Repair in Native-Non-Native Talk: A Conversation Analytic Study  of Thai-English Interaction [Master’s thesis]. York St John University.

2.3.2 Thesis from an online database

Last name,/Initial of first name./(Year of publication)./Thesis name /[Master's thesis or Doctoral///////dissertation,/university name]./database name./URL


Hounkong, K. (2015). Coptosapelta Flavescens as a Potential Anti-Entamoebba Histolytica and Anti-Giardia Intestinalis [Doctoral dissertation, Prince of Songkla University]. PSU Knowledge Bank. /10246/1/404643.pdf

2.4 Research report

  1. Author's name: Enter according to the author's signature guidelines.
  2. The year of publication: Must be enclosed in parentheses ( ). For foreign language article, use it as the year Anno Domini (AD).
  3. Foreign language title: Capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction words includes for, and, or, but, while, when, after, before, and because and is italicized.
  4. Publisher


Rushton, N. (2022). Register of Change Part 1 2000-2010 (Research Report). Cambridge University Press & Assessment. http://files/eric/ed/gov/fulltext /ED622104.pdf         

2.5 Academic conference documents (Proceeding)

  1. Author's name: Enter according to the author's signature guidelines.
  2. The year of publication: Must be enclosed in parentheses ( ). For foreign language article, use it as the year Anno Domini (AD). 
  3. Foreign language article title: Capitalize the first letter of each word except conjunction words includes for, and, or, but, while, when, after, before, and because and is italicized.
  4. Enter the word “In” followed by the name of the editor or the name of the organization. Place the word “Ed.” or “Eds.” in case of the editor in parentheses following the editor's name.
  5. Name of conference topic (Italicized)
  6. Conference name: Capitalize the first letter of each word and is italicized. Then enter the abbreviation “pp.” followed by the page number in parentheses.
  7. Database name / Name of conference organization


Kakinuma, Y. (2022). Catching on to Crypto: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. In Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University, Business transformation thriving through changes and turbulences, The International and National Conference on Business Administration and Accountancy 2022: INCBAA 2022 (pp.4), Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University.

2.6 Information from the website

Last name,/initial of first name./(year,/month/date of publication)./Title./Website name./URL


Sirisilla, S. (2022, December 19). Effective Use of Statistics in Research–Methods and Tools for Data Analysis. Enago Academy.


Manuscript submission guidelines

On-line submission

  1. Prepare the manuscript file following the journal instructions.
  2. Register to the website Follow the instructions for using the ThaiJO system (for Author).

- Author Register (User does not have Username and Password in ThaiJO system)

- Submission

- Check submission status (accept / reject) via e-mail.        

Postal mail submission

Download the relevant documents at the website. Send a hard copy of manuscript to the following postal address:

Journal Editorial President

Office of Chancellor Building

Princess of Naradhiwas University

99 Moo 8, Khok Kian, Muang, Narathiwat 96000

Contact info:                                                                               

Journal Unit (Mrs. Piyanuch Wajanasiri or Miss Sumseeyah Chesamoh)

Tel 073-709-030 ext. 1161, Fax 073-709-030 ext. 1173

Mobile phone 09-3604-3247 E-mail:

Privacy Statement

  1. The article was the author’s work only mentioned name in the article.
  2. The article is not be plagiarised of other author’s work.
  3. The article is original, and was not been published in any journal.

Privacy Statement

  1. The article was the author’s work only mentioned name in the article.
  2. The article is not be plagiarised of other author’s work.
  3. The article is original, and was not been published in any journal.