Factors Related to Quality of Life of Older Adults in the Areas Responsible by Ban Thong Lang Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Takua Thung District, Phang Nga Province
Quality of life, Older adults, Sub-district health promoting hospitalAbstract
This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the quality of life level and to examine the personal factors related to quality of life in older adults who lived in Thonglang subdistrict, Takuathung district, Phangnga Province. One hundred sixty-seven older adults were involved and answered the self -reported questionnaire. The Cronbach alpha was 0.94. The descriptive statistical analysis was used for personal demographics and the multiple logistic regression was analyzed the personal factors related the quality of life.
The result showed that most older adults had good quality of life (77.84%). Factors related to quality of life including gender, status, education, average income per month, no health illness and do not need caregiver had significantly associated with good quality of life. Therefore, personal factors included age, number of family members and occupation were not significant association with good quality of life. The result of multivariate analysis showed that older adults who had formal education have significantly associated with good quality of life after adjusted age (ORadj. = 4.303, 95% CI = 1.214 – 15.245, p = 0.024).
In conclusion, the quality of life in older adults were associated with personal factors particularly having formal education. The response organization including health organization should support the education, occupation and earning income for older adults. These may be helped to upgrade the level of quality of life in older adults.
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