Seed Priming with Bacillus Subtilis on Germination and Seedlings Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa)


  • Jakkrapong Kangsopa Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.
  • Phetcarat Jeephet Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.
  • Sureemard Chantain Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.


seed quality, seed enhancement, microorganisms


Growing industrial lettuce requires seedlings that grow consistently, have vigor, and can be harvested right on schedule. Therefore, in the industrial lettuce production, seedlings with both quality germination and vigor are necessary. Nevertheless, general lettuce seeds have low germination and vigor. This results in nursery grown seedlings that grow inconsistently and can be easily destroyed by diseases and insects. As a result, the production cost increases and the schedule for harvest cannot be controlled. From the aforementioned problems, seed priming with microorganisms is an alternative to enhance the improvement of lettuce seeds. The four repetitive sets of experiments were based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The experiment results are as follows. All methods of priming used with lettuce seeds resulted in seedlings with better germination percentage and speed of germination compared with non-primed ones. Moreover, the differences were statistically significant. However, the differences in germination of seeds primed with water for 12 hours were statistically insignificant in comparison with non-primed seeds. On the other hand, seeds primed with 0.4% of B. subtilis for 12 hours became seedlings with better total seedling length when compared with those primed by other seed priming methods. Contrastingly, all seed priming methods did not show the differences in the seedlings’ shoot length as opposed to non-primed seeds. It was found that primed seeds with 0.4% B. subtilis % for 12 hours became seedlings with better total seeding length compared to primed seeds with other priming methods. Nevertheless, the differences in the total seedling length of those seeds compared with primed seeds with water for 6 hours and those with B. subtilis 0.6 % and 0.8 % for 12 hours were not found. In conclusion, seeds priming with B. subtilis 0.4% for 12 hours resulted in seedlings with better germination percentage and speed of germination. It also promoted the shoot growth and improved total seedling length in contrast with non-primed seeds.

Author Biographies

Jakkrapong Kangsopa, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand.

Phetcarat Jeephet, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand.

Sureemard Chantain, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University.

Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand.


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How to Cite

Kangsopa, J., Jeephet, P. ., & Chantain, S. (2021). Seed Priming with Bacillus Subtilis on Germination and Seedlings Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa). Recent Science and Technology, 13(2), 393–407. retrieved from



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