The Development of Causal Relationship Model of Knowledge Management and Professional Skills Affecting to Potential of Accountant in Digital Economy

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Wariya Panprung
Tiwat Maneechote
Chatsarun Rodyim
Nattapong Songneam


The purposes of this research are to (1) study direct and indirect the influence of knowledge management and professional accounting skills on accountants’ competencies in the digital economy era, and (2) investigate the congruence of casual relationship model of knowledge management, professional accounting skills and competencies of professional accountants that influence the competencies of accountants in the digital economy era. The model created consists of 3 latent variables and 13 observed variables. Quantitative data were collected from the sample group which were 320 accountants who work in accounting offices in Bangkok and Nonthaburi. They were selected based on simple sampling method.  The instruments used were five-point rating scale questionnaires.  The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and structure equation model of influence analysis. The results showed that a causal relationship model of important factors affecting the competencies factor of accountants in the digital economy era of key competencies factors, management competencies and technical competencies were consistent with empirical data Chi-square/df=1.708; GFI=0.965; AGFI=0.934; RMSEA=0.047; SRMR=0.014.        

The results also showed that knowledge management and professional accounting skills directly influenced accountants’ competencies in positive direction with statistical significance at the level of .01 and with the path coefficient equal to 1.28. It was directly influenced by the causal factors of accountants’ knowledge management with direct effect in the negative direction with statistical significance at the level of .01 and with the path coefficient equal to -0.42. Additionally, it was found that the performance of accountants were indirectly influenced by knowledge management through accounting professional skills with a coefficient is 0.758.

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How to Cite
Panprung, W., Maneechote , T., Rodyim, C., & Songneam, N. (2020). The Development of Causal Relationship Model of Knowledge Management and Professional Skills Affecting to Potential of Accountant in Digital Economy. Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Research Journal, 12(1), 22–35. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Wariya Panprung, Department of Technology Management, Phranakhon Rajabhat University.

Department of Technology Management, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 9 Chaengwattana Road, Anusawari, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10220,Thailand.

Tiwat Maneechote , Faculty of Education, Panyapiwat Institute of Management.

Faculty of Education, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, 85/1 Moo 2, Chaengwattana Road, Bang-Talad, Pak-Kret, Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand.

Chatsarun Rodyim, Faculty of Management Science Phranakhon Rajabhat University.

Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Science Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 9 Chaengwattana Road, Anusawari,  Bang Khen, Bangkok 10220, Thailand.

Nattapong Songneam, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University.

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 9 Chaengwattana Road, Anusawari, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10220, Thailand.


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