Effect of Thorn Apple Oil Massage on Neck and Shoulder Pain from Office Syndrome in Students of Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology
thorn apple oil, massage, office syndromeAbstract
Office Syndrome is a common symptom in working people and students in the inappropriate workplace environment such as sitting during working all the time without body movement. These things result in inflammation of the muscles and pain in various organs such as neck and shoulders. This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of Thorn apple oil massage on neck and shoulder pain from office syndrome. The samples were 30 students of Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology, conducted by the purposive sampling method. The research instruments used for data collection were numeric rating score, algometer, inclinometer, hand book of massage and data record. The statistical procedures employed included frequency, percentage, means, standard deviations and paired sample t-test. The results showed that before the massage, volunteers had the pain level ( = 5.33), degree of neck movement in the bent direction ( = 52.367), perk ( = 66.73), tilt to the left ( = 42.10) and right ( = 42.93), and level of sore feeling ( = 32.83). After oil massage, volunteers had the pain level ( = 3.10), degree of neck movement in the bending direction ( = 63.23), perk ( = 76.37), tilt to the left ( = 53.87) and right ( = 53.13), and pressure level ( = 43.30). The findings revealed that Thorn apple oil massage significantly reduced pain level and increased the capability of neck movement in the bending direction, left and right tilt, and pressure level at the .001 level. All three kinds of oil can be used interchangeably. As a result, Thorn apple oil massage is the appropriate option to lower the muscle pain from office syndrome.
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