Development of Ceramic Clay Map Web Service in Thailand by Applying GIS


  • อนันตกุล อินทรผดุง Program in Technology Management, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University.


ceramic clay, concession area, GIS, MVC architecture, web map services


The objective of this research was to develop a web service to collect ceramic clay in Thailand by applying the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that can support concession area location on Google Map and calculate the area size that had web service development concessions. This research was divided into three main parts: (1) data storage section for concession area location, (2) latitude and longitude location data display for ceramic clay area size on Google Map, and (3) service call section from web applications. Web service architecture design was applied to MVC Architecture. Web service development in this research was developed in Java through SOAP protocol and using MySQL database for storing ceramic ground positions. Web service implementation results were registered via UDDI and installed through the Thai Ceramics Association website in order to support requests for service from web applications in WSDL languages.  From the mining operators in the south and north with purposive sampling, it was found that the web service system was able to show the types and sources of ceramic clay surveyed at the provincial, district, and sub-district levels which were able to show the location of the area through Google Map and calculate the area size in square meters or rai. The area size calculated from the web service and the field survey at five mining sites of Ranong and Lampang was found precisely the same. It is also possible to display the number of ceramic clay reserves that have been captured in the event of a concession revocation.

Author Biography

อนันตกุล อินทรผดุง, Program in Technology Management, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University.

Program in Technology Management, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Bangkok 10220, Thailand.


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How to Cite

อินทรผดุง อ. (2023). Development of Ceramic Clay Map Web Service in Thailand by Applying GIS. Recent Science and Technology, 15(1), 152–164. Retrieved from



Research Article